National Tell A Joke Day 2022: 5 jokes to cheer you up today
#TellAJokeDay is a celebration of the numerous humorous stories you've told and heard throughout your lifetime
Did you hear about the comedian filing a police report on tell a joke day? Seems like someone stole all his punchlines. Ba dum tss. Today's the day to loosen up and laugh a little (even to all the cringey jokes).
Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. #TellAJokeDay is a celebration of the numerous humorous stories you've told and heard throughout your lifetime as well as a day of encouragement for everyone to try and tell a joke every once in a while. As they say, laughter is the best medicine.
Jokes can be delivered written or verbally and often end with a punchline. For those more interested in physical comedy, slapstick can include props and even minor stunts on the part of the jokester. With a little bit of misdirection and a knack for great timing, every joke can be hilarious (given the proper audience, of course)!
In today's times, memes seem to be the favourite medium of choice for most people. A lot of Facebook groups have been created specifically for the reason of shitposting (the activity of posting deliberately provocative or off-topic comments) on celebrities, political figures or your favourite tv show.
Those on Twitter and Tumblr sometimes prefer to use a certain meme format where they create pretend dialogue using characters or real people based on the vibe they seem to be giving off. It's all about finding your niche and having fun with a community that laughs at the same things you laugh about.
Come join in on the celebration and try your best to make your coworker, friend and/or loved one crack a smile today from a joke you tell.
Here are some jokes to start you off for today's festivities:
- A man goes to his doctor and says "Help me doc, I'm addicted to Twitter!" The doctor says, "I'm sorry, I don't follow you."
- Why do we tell actors to "break a leg?" Because every play has a cast.
- Have you heard about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu: You get what you deserve.
- Where are average things manufactured? The satisfactory.
- How does NASA organize a party? They planet.