Netizens slam Facebook's 'Friends Day' initiative
Facebook celebrated its 12th birthday by creating customised videos for its users and declaring the day "Friends Day". Some of its users were not impressed.
A Facebook algorithm randomly picked out pictures of users' friends from previous tagged posts and collated them by creating a video, in efforts to highlight the "importance of connecting".
In a post, Facebook said: "Today, February 4, marks Facebook's 12th birthday. Each year we recognize this day as Friends Day and invite the world to celebrate and reflect on the importance of connecting. To help our community celebrate the importance of friendship, we're delivering a personalized Friends Day video to millions of people around the world. These videos stitch together special moments with your friends in a short film that can be edited and shared."
The internet, predictably, went wild and "Friends Day" began trending, unfortunately, for all the wrong reasons. People took to Twitter to post droll and even outright hostile tweets about "Friends Day". Here are some that are bound to make you chuckle.
The Friendless:
The one that had moved on:
The one with the doughnut relationship:
The one who said it like it is:
The one who got left behind:
Not to be left behind, Twitter joined its users in a sly move, by resurrecting an old hashtag #BeforeFacebookI. Naturally, Twitter users capitalised by posting some ironically entertaining tweets about life before Facebook. Go on, have a laugh.
The uninterested:
The enlightened one:
The shrink:
The serial liker:
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