New 'Borat 2' footage shows 'Cindrella' inspired love story of Donald and Melania Trump
The new footage also features former first lady Hillary Clinton, clarifying that she doesn't "drink the blood of tortured children."
Amazon Prime Video on Tuesday released an hour's worth of supplemental footage from "Borat 2." The new footage, released as "Borat's American Lockdown" and "Debunking Borat," also includes a two-minute fictional cartoon about the love story of former first couple Donald Trump and Melania Trump.
The NSFW cartoon, a Cinderella parody about Donald Trump getting together with Melania, shows him meeting his future wife at a ball. The narrative follows his claims in a leaked locker room conversation where he spoke about grabbing a woman's genitals without her consent.
"Once upon a time there was a lonely peasant girl called Melania from s*****le country Slovenia who dreamed of marrying a rich old man. One day, she was invited to a grand ball thrown by Fat King Donald. At the ball, when Fat King Donald saw Melania, he became more turgid than he'd ever been before. So, he grabbed her vagine," the narrator says.
After their dance, Melania disappears at the stroke of midnight, while Donald wanders around the land sexually assaulting women by grabbing their private parts until he "found the one that perfectly fitted his hand."
"Fat King Donald searched his kingdom far and wide, grabbing the vagines of every young maiden," the narrator said in the background.
"They married and he put her in the most beautiful golden cage at the top of the highest tower in all of America, where they lived happily ever after," the narrator said at the end of the cartoon. After which the montage shows two graphic sexual acts.
Apart from the gross cartoon about Donald and Melania, the new footage also features former first lady Hillary Clinton, clarifying that she doesn't "drink the blood of tortured children."
The theory was brought up by Jim and Jerry, the two cabin-centric conspiracy theorists Borat shacked up with in the film, after which Clinton had to record a video for the duo to deny the accusations. She says in the clip that the theories about her are "hurtful, not just to me and my family, but to my friends and other people who know that this is not just false, but, ya know, sometimes painfully false."

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