One Indian police officer has reportedly been injured during a gun battle with a gang of thieves on 14 January. The incident took place in Ghaziabad, near the capital territory of New Delhi.

Video footage has emerged of armed officers wearing bulletproof gear and carrying guns while searching a large sugarcane field. According to local broadcaster NDTV, the thieves are hiding in the field after robbing a businessman in Meerut, a city 45km away in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

Media reports have indicated that there were three or four thieves involved in the incident and two of the men have already been caught by police officials. They are alleged to have robbed 25 lakh rupees (£2,500, $3,600) from a meat trader before escaping in a Maruti Swift car to Ghaziabad.

When police attempted to chase down the car, the thieves are believed to have opened fire on them. The armed men began shooting at the Modi Nagar check post, according to NDTV. They then lost control of the car and drove into the nearby sugarcane field. Check posts around New Delhi are believed to have been alerted of the incident.

The gun battle is believed to be taking place near the Modinagar check point in Ghaziabad, not far from the Indian capital of New Delhi. Google Maps

Reports have said that the thieves and police officers engaged in further gun battle in the field, resulting in two of the men being arrested. One thief is believed to have sustained a number of bullet injuries. The videos of the gun battle show armed policemen positioning themselves in trees and on the roof of a mud hut. Approximately 12 police officers are believed to be searching the area for further perpetrators.