World's Most Painful Rituals [VIDEOS]
"No pain, No gain"-- they have taken it seriously...
It may seem ridiculous but for some people pain and torture are a part of their culture... of their prestige.
Many communities around the world have painful rites in order to prove their faith and maturity... for girls to become women and prepare for marriage and for boys to prove they are men and deserve to be treated as adults.
Warning for Viewers: Videos May Contain Explicit Content.
Blood Initation - Matasu, Papua New Guinea
The Matausa believe that if a boy doesn't complete the blood initiation, he will suffer the consequences his entire life. Regardless of pain, boys go through the initation to become warriors. The pain gives them vigor and strength to turn into a true man. They cleanse themselves of any remaining female influences left in them from their mothers. First, they slide two thin wooden canes down their throats to induce vomiting several times and empty their stomachs. Afterward, a collection of reeds are inserted into the initiate's nose to further expel bad influence. Finally, they endure repeated stabbings to the tongue. This gruesome ritual is said to purify them, turn them to true men.
Teeth Chiselling, Sumatra
To look beautiful... they go through pain... female Mentawaians of Sumatra chisel their teeth to achieve what they consider beauty. A crude blade is used by the local shaman to make the chiseling as least painful as possible. The additional problem is that the young girl is given nothing to numb the feeling in her mouth before he takes a rock and begins chopping. The blade carves the corners of the teeth, leaving behind pointed ends similar to shark teeth. Later, her teeth are filed to achieve the desired shape. It's also said that sharpened teeth please the spirits the tribes believe in and bring balance to a female's life. Fortunately this practice isn't as common anymore... the girls can, at least, decide if she wants her teeth chiseled..
Fulani Whip Match, West Africa
It's a tough fight for the boys among Fulani clad. This nomadic tribe from Benin have a tormenting bloody whip match to test their strength, self-control and bravery. The initiate picks a long stick and sharpens it in a way that will guarantee the most painful blow with every whip. Once he acquires his weapon, clans from all over join for the ceremony. Two youths fight against each other and his goal is to hit his opponent the hardest and cringe the least when he's struck. Three blows are exchanged between each boy. The crowd decides who has shown the most courage and he is the winner of the match.
Naghol – Land Diving
Among the tribe members on the Pentecost Island of the South Pacific, boys as young as five engage in a tradition that can be best described as being similar to modern day bungee jumping.
The ritual is done to ensure the yam harvest in the year will be successful. It's also believed to strengthen participants spiritually, as they take the leap of faith. While it's not required to dive, those who do are revered in the community and seen as true warriors. After all, to dive means to sacrifice your life for the tribe. They embrace the possibility of death during the initiation... it'll be like taking one for the team. Even boys around seven and eight can participate and they're considered men after they survive the fall. The risks are certain - divers are prone to concussions, broken hips and necks... but they don't mind risking their life for their people...
Sepik Scarification-- Papua, New Guinea
The tribes of Papua New Guinea have used the tradition of scarification to mature their boys into men for decades. Numerous cuts along his back, chest and buttocks are created in elaborate patterns, resembling the skin of a crocodile. They believe that this reptilian divinity consumes his youth during the bloody process, leaving behind a man in his place. The boy is subjected to humiliation in a ritual that can take weeks. They are even referred to as women and regarded that way in order to psychologically toughen them. The scarification is said to strengthen them physically as it requires great deal of discipline to complete the ritual. The raw wounds are cleaned after the scarification is complete but the pain endured continues for days as their bodies heal.
Videos Courtesy: National Geographic
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