Germany is celebrating its annual Rose Monday carnival in traditionally satirical fashion: with floats that feature huge, unflattering puppets of politicians. US President Donald Trump is the focus of much of the rude humour this year.
A float in Düsseldorf depicts a naked Donald Trump being shafted by a gigantic brown bear with the slogan "Russia scandal" written across its side.
A float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Duesseldorf depicts US President Donald Trump being shafted by a Russian bearThilo Schmuelgen/Reuters
One float at the Rose Monday parade in Mainz depicts North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump in their underwear and comparing the size of their missiles. Another shows the US President taking aim at the Paris climate agreement with a golf club.
A float at the Rose Monday parade in Mainz depicts North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump in their underwear and comparing the size of their missilesRalph Orlowski/ReutersA float depicting US President Donald Trump measuring his missile is prepared for the Rose Monday carnival parade in MainzRalph Orlowski/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Mainz depicts US President Donald Trump and the Paris Climate AgreementRalph Orlowski/Reuters
Theresa May is the target of a satirical float in Düsseldorf. The British Prime Minister is depicted giving birth to a horrific, misshapen Brexit baby.
A float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Duesseldorf depicts British Prime Minsiter Theresa May giving birth to a misshapen Brexit babyThilo Schmuelgen/Reuters
Also inDüsseldorf, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is depicted as a black widow spider with blood-covered lips, having killed all her male competitors, whose names were written across little grey skulls lying in front of her. A carnival float in Mainz shows her as giant tortoise, billed as the last of her kind.
Other floats poke fun at French President Emmanuel Macron, the VW emissions scandal and leaders of Germany's far-right parties.
A float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Duesseldorf depicts German Chancellor Angela Merkel as black widow sitting over the bones and skulls of German politicians, with the caption: 'Next, please'Thilo Schmuelgen/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in in Mainz depicts German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a tortoise, with the caption 'The last of its kind'Ralph Orlowski/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in in Mainz depicts French President Emmanuel Macron as a Napoleonic figure in a dilapidated 2CV decorated with an EU flagRalph Orlowski/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday parade in Duesseldorf depicts Polish President Andrzej Duda and Hungarian President Janos Ader holding a hammer and sickle, with the caption 'Right dictatorships'Patrik Stollarz/AFPA float at the Rose Monday parade in Duesseldorf depicts Alexander Gauland of the far-right of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party with the captions: 'We are not Nazis at all' and 'far-right wing'Patrik Stollarz/AFPA float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Duesseldorf depicts Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Martin Schulz mincing himselfThilo Schmuelgen/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday parade in Duesseldorf depicts Christian Lindner of the Free Democrats Party (FDP) as a rabbit running away from governmental responsibilitiesPatrik Stollarz/AFPA float at the Rose Monday carnival parade in Duesseldorf depicts Social Democratic Party SPD parliamentary group leader Andrea Nahles with the caption: 'Comrades, the end is near' (a play on the word 'nah', meaning 'near')Thilo SchmuelgenA float at the Rose Monday parade in Duesseldorf depicts the German farmers' association as a grim reaper killing a beeThilo Schmuelgen/ReutersA float at the Rose Monday parade in Duesseldorf depicts Air Berlin employees dumped by LufthansaPatrik Stollarz/AFPA float at the Rose Monday carnival in Duesseldorf depicts a migrant with chains with the captions 'Slavery in Libya' and "endorsed by the EU'AFPA float at the Rose Monday carnival in Duesseldorf depicts a man driving a Volkswagen car in flames, with the caption: 'Emissions scandal'Patrik Stollarz/AFP
The weeks leading up to Ash Wednesday (14 February) see Carnival celebrations in cities around the world, including Rio de Janeiro, Tenerife, Ivrea and Venice.