Pokemon Go: Where to find rare Pokemon like Charmander, Gyarados and Blastoise around the UK
There's a Dratini in York, apparently.

By now Pokémon Go players around the world will have amassed a decent collection of pocket monsters, and will be on the lookout for rarer beasties and the means to evolve those they have.
Players will have encountered countless Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow and Drowzee – but where are the roaming Charmander, the Lickitung and the Scyther?
AttractionTix has put together a list of twenty attractions around the UK and what Pokémon players are able to find there.
They've found a Dragonite at the Tower of London, a Blastoise by the River Ouse in York, a Porygon at the Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester and Electabuzz at London Zoo.
Their list (below) isn't the only means to find rare Pokémon, however. You can (of course) explore for yourself, but there's also a web app that allows you to scour the planet from the comfort of a nice chair and plan ahead for your next adventure.
PokéVision offers relatively real-time updates on what Pokémon are being found around the world. There is, for example, a Pinsir not far from IBTimes UK's office right now. If I weren't writing this I'd be out of here quicker than you can say Gary Oak.
Here's the AttractionTix list:
1. The Tower of London (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Koffing, Tentacool, Hitmonlee, Sandshrew, Polywhirl, Dragonite
2. Regent's Park (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Snorlax, Machop, Geodude, Mankey, Kabuto, Koffing
3. ZSL London Zoo (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Electabuzz, Ryhorn, Dratini, Beedrill, Doduo, Horsea
4. Hampton Court Palace (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Magmar, Gastly, Horsea
5. York Boat (York)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Blastoise, Snorlax, Ponyta
6. York Museum Gardens (York)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Hypno, Dratini, Growlithe, Seaking
7. Edinburgh Zoo (Edinburgh)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Lickitung
8. Manchester Cathedral (Manchester)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Haunter
9. Museum of Liverpool (Liverpool)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Golbat, Dratini, Charmander
10. Cadbury World (Birmingham)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Magnemite, Fearow, Jigglypuff
11. Kensington Palace and Gardens (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Jynx, Gastly, Horsea, Staryu, Growlithe, Machop, Squirtle
12. The Royal Yacht Britannia (Edinburgh)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Voltorb, Magnemite
13. Piccadilly Gardens (Manchester)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Polygon, Electabuzz
14. The Shard (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Abra, Magnemite, Seel
15. Clifford's Tower (York)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Gyarados, Grimer
16. Tate Britain (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Mr Mime
17. The Beatles Story (Liverpool)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Polywhirl, Seel, Pidgeotto, Magnemite
18. The Blackpool Tower (Blackpool)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Ponyta, Seel
19. Big Ben/Parliament Square (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Seel, Tangela
20. ArcelorMittal Orbit (London)
Which Pokémon to catch here: Charmander, Slowpoke, Jynx
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