Pokemon Sun and Moon evolution guide: How to evolve every new Pokemon and Alolan form
What you need to do to evolve every new Pokémon in latest 3DS adventures.

Pokémon Sun and Moon introduce a busy cast of new beasties for players to find, catch and evolve over the course of their adventure across the idyllic isles of Alola. There are also new variants of classic Pokémon specific to the Alola region.
It's always useful to know when these new Pokémon will evolve and if there are any specific requirements for doing so. With that in mind, we've gathered a list of what you'll need to do to evolve each of the new Pokémon.
We've included the new Alolan Forms too, as players may suspect different criteria will be needed to evolve them.
Check out IBTimes UK's other Pokémon Sun and Moon guides for where to find all the Z-Crystals, all the TMs, where to find a Pichu very early on and which of the new starters makes for the best choice.
Name | Evolves into | Evolution level | Specific criteria |
Rowlet | Dartrix | 17 | |
Dartrix | Decidueye | 34 | |
Litten | Torracat | 17 | |
Torracat | Incineroar | 34 | |
Popplio | Brionne | 17 | |
Brionne | Primarina | 34 | |
Rockruff | Lycanroc | 25 | In Pokémon Sun it'll evolve durinng the in-game day into Lycanroc's Midday form. In Moon it'll evolve at in-game night into its Midnight form. |
Yyungoos | Gumshoos | 20 | |
Pikipek | Trumbeeak | 14 | |
Trumbeeak | Toucannon | 28 | |
Grubbin | Charjabug | 20 | |
Charjabug | Vikavolt | N/A | Will only evolve in the Vast Poni Canyon area. |
Cutiefly | Ribombee | 25 | |
Salandit | Salazzle | 33 | Only the rarer female version of Salandit will evolve. |
Stufful | Bewear | 27 | |
Wimpod | Golisopod | 30 | |
Bounsweet | Steenee | 18 | |
Steenee | Tsareena | 29 | Only evolves if it knows the move Stomp, which it naturally learns at level 29. |
Mudbray | Mudsdale | 30 | |
Fomantis | Lurantis | 34 | Only evolves during the day. |
Sandygast | Palossand | 42 | |
Morelull | Shiinotic | 24 | |
Crabrwaler | Crabominable | N/A | Will only evolve in the Mount Lanakila area. |
Type: Null | Silvally | N/A | Will evolve after levelling up but only if it's happiness level is sufficiently high. |
Jangmo-o | Hakamo-o | 34 | |
Hakamo-o | Kommo-o | 45 | |
------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Alolan Ratatta | Alolan Raticate | 20 | |
Pichu | Pikachu | N/A | Pichu will evolve when its happiness is at maximum. |
Pikachu | Alolan Raichu | N/A | Pikachu requires a Thunder Stone to evolve. |
Alolan Sandshrew | Alolan Sandslash | N/A | Alolan Sandshrew requires an Ice Stone to evolve. |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Ninetails | N/A | Alolan Vulpix requires an Ice Stone to evolve. |
Alolan Meowth | Alolan Persian | N/A | Alolan Meowth will evolve when its happiness is at maximum. |
Alolan Geodude | Alolan Graveler | 25 | |
Alolan Graveler | Alolan Golem | N/A | Alolan Graveler will evolve after being traded. |
Alolan Grimer | Alolan Muk | 38 | |
Exeggcute | Alolan Exeggcutor | N/A | Exeggcute requires a Leaf Stone to evolve. |
Alolan Diglett | Alolan Dugtrio | 26 | |
Cubone | Alolan Marowak | 28 | Only evolves at in-game nightime. In Moon this during the real life daytime, in Sun it's at real life nightime. |
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