'Poor you': Twitter slams Nikki Haley for 'whining' about spending Fourth of July in North Korea meetings
Haley's tweet came after North Korea's latest test-launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile

As tensions continue to run high on the Korean Peninsula, US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley triggered a fierce backlash on Tuesday over a tweet about her spending the Fourth of July holiday in meetings after North Korea's latest test-launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed North Korea's launch of an ICBM on Tuesday saying it "represents a new escalation of the threat to the United States, our allies and partners, the region, and the world".
"Global action is required to stop a global threat," Tillerson said in a statement. "All countries should publicly demonstrate to North Korea that there are consequences to their pursuit of nuclear weapons."
He also confirmed that the US intends to bring North Korea's "provocative action" before the UN Security Council to "enact stronger measures to hold the DPRK accountable".
The same day, Haley tweeted: "Spending my 4th in meetings all day. #ThanksNorthKorea."
Her post immediately triggered furious criticism on Twitter, calling it an inappropriate tweet, given the gravity of the situation.
"Did you think being the United States ambassador to the United Nations was a 9-5 job with holidays off?" one person tweeted.
Many people criticised Haley for complaining about her job rather than thanking the US troops and first responders for their service on the 4th of July holiday. Others lambasted her saying: "What job did you think you were signing up for, exactly?"
American author Matthew Dicks tweeted: "Maybe find a new job? One that doesn't require you to work when enemy states gain long range nuclear capabilities".
"You're an ambassador now," one Twitter user wrote. "Stop tweeting like a teenage girl asked to do an extra shift at Starbucks."
"I noticed a lot of people in this administration talk and act like they're doing us a favour", one person wrote.
I thought for sure this was a parody account. ð¤£
— Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) July 4, 2017
Just because your boss plays golf all the time doesn't mean you get holidays off. pic.twitter.com/qQG1zLROyp
The nerve of that Kim Jong-un, cutting into your 4th of July plans.
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) July 4, 2017
so you're actually doing the job you accepted to take? good to know.
— Game of Thornes (@GeoffThorne) July 4, 2017
Spending my 4th hoping we donât get dragged into a war by a psychotic megalomaniac. Or that guy from North Korea.
— Tom Maxwell (@universalshow) July 4, 2017
While I appreciate your service to our nation, perhaps you should be thanking the nearly 200,000 US troops serving overseas on #FourthOfJuly
— Andrew Weinstein (@Weinsteinlaw) July 4, 2017
Not to mention those protecting our homeland, including the police officers, firefighters, and other first responders keeping us safe today.
— Andrew Weinstein (@Weinsteinlaw) July 4, 2017
How about thanking our men and women currently serving on the Korean penninsula? There's a thought. Ya know, instead of acting like she's 4.
— Erin Stirnaman (@erinstirnaman) July 4, 2017
That's why it's called SERVICE
— Laura Zigman (@LauraZigman) July 4, 2017
You signed up for this mess.
— Gabe OrtÃz ðºð¸ (@TUSK81) July 4, 2017
I'm pretty sure my ancestors who fought in the American Revolution were also thinking,
— Tomm (@SumTomGoingOn) July 5, 2017
"Thanks, Redcoats. There goes my long weekend." pic.twitter.com/IaPCjDVpQW
I don't doubt she supports the troops but if this is humor given the world we live in, it was an inappropriate remark.
— Ateacherfirst (@AuntieTeaches) July 4, 2017
As demonstrated by her dinner experience at NYC pride, they expect nothing but applause when they do the job we're paying them to do
— Dread Pikathulhu (@jsbarlow) July 4, 2017
It's almost like they want participation trophies.
— grailsnail (@grailsnail) July 4, 2017
I just saw an ambulance go down my street. Doubt they'd be all, "Thanks, stroke patient," or whatever situation they're facing on the 4th.
— Jim Hollifield (@jim_hollifield) July 4, 2017
Uhm. You know that the 4th of July isn't an international holiday, right?
— Kelly Scaletta (@KellyScaletta) July 4, 2017
This is the first time in my life I haven't worked on July 4th. Some of us don't have that luxury.
— Yosef Silver (@ysilver) July 4, 2017
— Jamie Grayson (@TheBabyGuyNYC) July 4, 2017
Yeah, sucks to be in a position of power during a crisis & having to show up to actually do your job while millions are threatened
— Dominic Patten (@DeadlineDominic) July 4, 2017
You're a public servant. How about all the military that are working endlessly to protect us? Your tweet is pathetic.
— Fred Sablan (@Fredsablan) July 4, 2017
It's your job. Deal with it. Is there a single Trump official who doesn't whine?
— Anita Creamer (@AnitaCreamer) July 4, 2017
It's your job. Deal with it. Is there a single Trump official who doesn't whine?
— Anita Creamer (@AnitaCreamer) July 4, 2017
Kim Jong-un rubs his hands together and says, "Excellent. Inconveniencing Nikki Haley was the entire purpose of the missile launch." https://t.co/ENYRiWXod5
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) July 4, 2017
Full day working with adults with disabilities @nikkihaley, for a whole lot less than you make. Your whining is pitiful.
— molly lamountain (@canineasylum) July 4, 2017
Let's see @nikkihaley 4th tour in Afghan in 8 years. Missed children and wife's birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. so Stop whining. pic.twitter.com/kZxZE4RBOj
— Sandratoes (@sandratoes) July 5, 2017
Meanwhile, Donald Trump went golfing for 36th time since becoming president and Nikki Haley has the sadz she's in North Korea meetings. https://t.co/ysqYF8i84u
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) July 4, 2017
. Kudos. Spending a holiday working for American security is unprecedented. pic.twitter.com/QpqERnnd0i
— Jake Query (@jakequery) July 4, 2017
This is your job 24/7 until you're out. You want a vacation? Quit. We need public servants. Serve or leave.
— Pete Forester ðºð¸ (@pete_forester) July 4, 2017
Spending my 4th using diplomacy to prevent nuclear annihilation. #GodBlessAmerica
— Heather Whaley (@HeatherWhaley) July 5, 2017
Fixed it for you Nikki
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