Protesters Attack Brazilian Congress
Brazil's biggest protests in two decades intensified on Thursday (June 20) despite government concessions meant to quell the demonstrations, as tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital city of Brasilia, joining millions more who flooded other cities.
Activists in Brasilia marched around Congress, the Supreme Court and presidential offices.
As the crowds grew. police used tear gas bombs and pepper spray in an effort to control the multitude.
As the night went on, the demonstrations heated up with some people lighting small fires and dancing around them while others shouted and denounced the government.
Demonstrators stormed Congress, breaking windows and fighting with police inside the building.
Now in their second week, demonstrations have broadened to protest high taxes, inflation, corruption and poor public services ranging from hospitals and schools to roads and police forces.
With an international football tournament as a backdrop, activists are also denouncing the more than $26 billion of public money that will be spent on the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, two events meant to showcase a modern, developed Brazil.
Presented by Adam Justice
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