Attacking Syria is the smartest thing Donald Trump has done
Trump has completely rebranded himself as the only world leader brave enough to stand up to Russia.
Closing US borders to Syrian refugees won't make Americans safer — gun control will
Americans are gunned down every day. This must be Trump's priority, not a Mexican wall or banning refugees.
America has taken Barack Obama for granted
It's now up to us to stand up for our collective vision of what the American dream can and should look like.
Time just validated the world's worst people by naming Donald Trump Person of the Year
Make no mistake: when the history books are written, academics will describe this as a dark chapter.
We should be vetting Trump for the most important job on the planet but instead we're ruffling his hair like a lovable scamp
Jimmy Fallon just joined endless media pawns fuelling propaganda that The Donald is not a deplorable xenophobe.
Donald Trump's empty apology means he's truly reeking of desperation
Even if his ambiguous show of regret was in some way genuine, who exactly is he belatedly apologising to?
Why Donald Trump's Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' was a complete and utter farce
Trump ignored any mention of a third party candidate but ranted about being 'smarter' than Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump's RNC speech is a terrifying vision of America's future - the man is a catalyst for violence
Until he admits guns are a factor in the plague of mindless violence, he will never make America safe again.