Republican debate as it happened: Seven candidates face off in final GOP debate before Iowa Caucus
Republican presidential candidates (L-R) Ben Carson, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio discuss an issue during the debate held by Fox News in Des Moines, Iowa January 28, 2016 Reuters Donald Trump was mocked by his Republican rivals at a televised debate in Iowa, after quitting the event in a row with Fox News.
- Florida Senator Marco Rubio stood by previous pledge to shut down mosques where radicalisation is taking place.
- Texas Senator Ted Cruz said: "I will hunt down Isis [IS] wherever they are and completely destroy them".
- Ex-Florida Governor Jeb Bush says the country's veterans deserve greater respect than they get in Obama's US
- The debate also included retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; Ohio Governor John Kasich; and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.
Closing statement:
- Rand Paul: Thanks for having me back. He will work to balance the budget.
- John Kasich: The US can create jobs and solve economic problems. "We can reassume our role in the world."
- Chris Christie: Mentions his wife being a survivor of the 9/11 attacks and says no one will keep the US safer than him.
- Jeb Bush: "We desperately need a conservative leader as president of the United States." Says he has a proven record. Restore the military and alliances. Asks for Iowa's support during the caucus.
- Ben Carson: Thanks Iowa. Then reads the preamble to the Constitution.
- Marco Rubio: Says light is dimming on the world thanks to Obama. Says he will defeat Clinton.
- Ted Cruz: Notes that there's just 93 hours before the Iowa Caucus. Says he would be honoured if Iowans caucus for him on Monday.
As president, I will tear down the EPA’s blend wall! #GOPDebate
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 29, 2016
Nabela Noor, a Muslim American, asks hate crimes against Muslims in the US and how candidates plan to address that issue. Bush calls out Trump for his negative language towards Muslims and how it will make it harder to fight Isis. "It's important for us to be careful about the way we use language," he says.
Rand Paul is asked about his comments regarding Bill Clinton and his past indiscretions. Paul says he doesn't blame Hillary Clinton for her husband's affairs but he does call her out for promoting women's rights while turning her back to the women her husband allegedly sexually attacked.
.@RandPaul: "If what @billclinton did, any CEO in our country did w/ an intern... they would be fired." #GOPDebate
— Fox News (@FoxNews) January 29, 2016
Speaking times through the 4th break:
Rubio 11:14
Cruz: 11:03
Bush: 7:45
Christie: 5:49
Paul: 4:40
Kasich: 4:22
Carson: 3:03
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) January 29, 2016
The next YouTube question came from a naturalised citizen and US veteran Dulce Candy, who asked about immigration and the impacts they can make on business.
Carson: "If you've got 10 people coming to your house and you know one of them is a terrorist, you're probably going to keep them all out."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) January 29, 2016
.@JebBush prods @marcorubio on immigration
— POLITICO (@politico) January 29, 2016
We're back. Rubio faces the first question regarding his previous objection to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Kelly notes that two years into his time in the Senate, Rubio worked on a comprehensive immigration reform bill that granted a path to citizenship. Rubio defends his comments and says he never supported blanket amnesty for the 11M undocumented immigrants in the US.
Ben Carson is asked about a question made by a Muslim female veteran at the earlier Democratic town hall. The veteran asked whether the US was still the best place to raise her three Muslim children. In response, Carson said: "We need to stop allowing political correctness to dictate our policies b/c it's going to kill us if we don't."
The debate takes a turn to domestic terrorism, including racial profiling and the monitoring of Muslim Americans. Christie says that as president he will support the law enforcement community and that it isn't racial profiling if the facts lead to a stop of domestic terrorism by radicalised Muslims.
Chris Wallace to Ted Cruz: "I know you like to argue about the rules, but we’re going to conduct a debate"
— Katie Zezima (@katiezez) January 29, 2016
When asked if Cruz or Rubio are qualified to be president, Christie instead says that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the one who is not qualified. He discusses the Democratic Iowa town hall and attacks Clinton for her response to a question regarding her personal emails during her time as secretary of state.
.@ChrisChristie: "[@HillaryClinton] put America's secrets at risk 'for her convenience.'" #GOPDebate
— Fox News (@FoxNews) January 29, 2016
Meanwhile, it appears Donald Trump is late to his own event:
Trump is late. This is not surprising. But where else could he be?
— Ginger Gibson (@GingerGibson) January 29, 2016
First question, by Megyn Kelly, is for Ted Cruz and it's on Trump's decision to skip the debate. Cruz takes the time to pitch to Iowa voters before blasting Trump for his non-appearance. The Texas senator thanks all the candidates at the debate for showing the voters in Iowa the "respect" they deserve.
Four candidates—Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and long-forgotten Jim Gilmore—participated in a Fox News undercard forum. Politico reported that Santorum's comments during the forum appeared to suggest that former senator may be wrapping up his second run at the White House.
"Over the last 5 years, I've done over 700 speeches and town hall meetings all throughout the state of Iowa and it's been an incredible ride," the 2012 Iowa Caucus winner said. He continued to call on Iowans to ignore polls and choose the candidate who is "best for the country."
Santorum, who has polled in the single digits, is set to join Huckabee at Trump's alternate Iowa event at Drake University. The event is billed as a charity benefit for Wounded Warriors.
Trump's decision to skip the latest debate has dominated the media. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly blasted the candidate for attempting to "control the media."
"But the truth is he doesn't get to control the media," Kelly said, adding that not only would she be at the debate, it would "go on with or without Mr Trump."
The seventh GOP debate is set to begin airing at 9pm EST/2am GMT from Des Moines, Iowa. The latest poll by IBD/TIPP reveal the top eight candidates stand as follows among Republican voters:
- Donald Trump: 31% *
- Ted Cruz: 21%
- Marco Rubio: 10%
- Ben Carson: 9%
- Chris Christie: 1%
- Jeb Bush: 5%
- John Kasich: 2%
- Rand Paul: 4%
*Despite qualifying for the debate, Donald Trump will not be participating.
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