Party-goers danced in the streets of Rio de Janeiro to celebrate Rio Carnival 2017 as Brazil welcomed nearly a million tourists to the city, who are said to have spent $782m ($627.6m) in 2016, according to officials.
The highlight of carnival is when Rio's samba schools compete at the Sambódromo arenaReuters
The party gets political as revellers take part in block party Fora Temer (Out Temer), referring to Brazil's President Michel TemerReuters
There are street parties for everyone including those with mental health issues and called Half a Dozen Crying Cats and I am Normal, but the Coconut is CrazyReuters
Proof positive that flower power is alive and wellReuters
Its origins go back to the 18th century when it was introduced by Portuguese immigrants to Brazil and called the EntrudoReuters
A worker from the Imperatriz Leopoldinense samba school prepares part of a carnival float at the school's carnival production headquartersReuters
The Rio dog carnival, known as the Blocao – with ‘bloco’ meaning street party and ‘cao’ dogReuters
Dog lovers take time to dress their beloved pooches in special costumesReuters
The annual carnival is famed for outlandish costumes and samba paradesReuters
Revellers takes part in the annual block party Cordao de Prata Preta during carnival festivities in Rio Janeiro, BrazilReuters