Russian man beats partner to death, films the act to show friends he kept her 'under control'
Anastasia Ovsiannikova suffered severe bruising, internal bleeding and broken bones, and subsequently went into a coma.

A 34-year-old Russian man is facing 15 years in jail after his partner died due to continuous assaults at their home in the city of Lebedyan, western Russia. In a horrific case, Maxim Gribanov battered his wife into a coma and filmed it to show off to his friends.
Anastasia Ovsiannikova, 28, was assaulted after she told Gribanov that she wanted to leave him, the Daily Mail reported.
After kicking and punching her for several hours, he filmed her to boast to his friends about how he had kept her "under control".
The repeated assaults resulted in severe bruising, internal bleeding and broken bones for the woman.
Ovsiannikova, who managed to call the emergency services after her ordeal, was taken to a hospital where she fell into a coma. She died due to her injuries six days later, the website reported.
According to friends and family, Ovsiannikova had recently met someone else and was trying to build up the courage to leave Gribanov as she was afraid of what he would do to her.
According to the website, the victim had been abused by Gribanov for several years and was even made to quit her job. He had even threatened her father and brother to not report his abuse and warned them about trying to stop him from assaulting her.
"At first, the man was charged with assault which caused severe damage to the woman's health," police spokeswoman Yulia Kuznetzova told local media.
"But after she died, the charges were changed. The suspect pleaded partially guilty. He said he had his reasons."
According to a family friend, "She was so full of hope and fun but this man destroyed her life. He should be treated in the same way as he treated her."