Schiphol Airport attack: Dutch police shoot knife-wielding man and evacuate passengers
The suspect broke a glass screen and threatened others with a knife.

Dutch police have shot a man at the country's main airport, Schiphol, after he reportedly threatened people with a knife.
Dramatic video footage shared on social media shows several armed officers running towards the suspect.
Officers quickly tackled him to the ground after he started threatening others and broke a glass screen.
The man was arrested and Schiphol Plaza, the main arrival hall, was evacuated.
"The man threatened with a knife and the military police shot him," spokesman Stan Verberkt told Reuters. "He was injured and has been taken into custody."
Trains were told not to stop at the airport after the incident, railway operator NS said. They resumed their normal schedule within an hour.
Flights were not delayed by the incident, a Schiphol spokesperson said.
Military police said on Twitter that the situation is now under control and that Schiphol Plaza has been reopened.
Schiphol Airport is one of Europe's busiest transport hubs. Last year, it served more than 63 million passengers.
Er is schijnbaar geschoten. Iedereen naar buiten geëvacueerd.
— Tobias B. Baruch (@TobyBaruch) December 15, 2017