School bans male students' trendy 'Meet me in McDonalds' hairstyle
Outlawed styles include Mohicans and "hair that gives excessive height" to pupils.
The 'meet us at McDonald's' haircut
— UK Banter (@UKBanter) April 15, 2015
A secondary school has banned a hairstyle known as the "Meet me in McDonalds" and has warned pupils they risk being suspended if they turn up to class with "outlawed" cuts.
The Great Yarnmouth Charter Academy in Norfolk said in a letter to parents that "variations on the style often known as 'Meet me at McDonald's" are among seven 'unacceptable haircuts for boys.'"
Headmaster Barry Smith said that from the end of February staff would inform parents of offending pupils and would request they stay at home until it was re-styled.
"Uniform and appearance are a key part of developing school ethos," the letter read.
Other banned haircuts include Mohicans and short styles that leave heavy, long hair at the top. The banned list encompasses:
- Noticeably longer tops that are not layered in and combined with sharply contrasting sides and back.
- Variations of the style often known as 'Meet me at McDonald's'.
- Overgrown, heavy fringes brushed forward onto the face.
- High top styles of excessive height Shaven parting lines.
- Hair that is teased to give excessive height.
- Any type of Mohican hairstyle.
However, the letter did not elaborate on what a "Meet me in McDonald's" haircut was, leaving many parents puzzled.
Norwich barber Elliot Branford told Metro that it is "a grade zero or a one on the sides, then disconnected with a perm or curly on the top and you have it sitting forwards."
Great Yarmouth Charter Academy has developed a reputation for enforcing strict standards of conduct in recent years. The school, which has been rated as 'failing' by education watchdog Ofsted, has banned mobile phones from the campus and has told pupils to be in bed by 9.30 pm.
Mr Smith wrote: "Most pupils dress appropriately and most have hairstyles that are not extreme. We expect all pupils to meet this standard."