Scotland Independence Results: Scotland Votes 'No' (LIVE)
- Follow Day Two of the live blog here.
- YES: 46%
- NO: 54%
- Final confirmation of victory for 'No' Camp expected shortly
- David Cameron will make a statement at 7am
- 307-year-old union at stake
- Stories, views and comments: tweet me @markliampiggott

6:10: Finbarr here. We've just heard the Fife result...
It's just won through with a 55% to 45% which tips it over the 50% mark. It's impossible for the 'Yes' campaign to claw it back.
6:00: Well, that looks like a wrap. I'll sign off now and leave the rolling blog in the capable hands of Finbarr Bermingham. Night all...
Well done to Glasgow, our commonwealth city, and to the people of Scotland for such a incredible support
— Alex Salmond (@AlexSalmond) September 19, 2014
I've spoken to Alistair Darling - and congratulated him on an well-fought campaign. #indyref
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) September 19, 2014
5:25 All together now...
5:22: Nicola Sturgeon tells the BBC: "Obviously this is a deep personal and political disappointment...but there is a clear appetite for change"
5:19: If the Beeb says no - it's no...
5:12 East Ayrshire: YES: 39,762 NO: 44,442. If the Yes Camp win now I'll buy a hat, and eat it
What becomes of the Scots Nats tomorrow. What will be the point? #indyref
— Nadine Dorries MP (@NadineDorriesMP) September 19, 2014
5: 06 South Ayrshire: YES: 34,402 NO: 47,247
4:53 A big win for the Yes Camp in Glasgow... YES: 194,779 NO: 169,347
4:46: North Lanarkshire: YES: 115,783; NO: 110,922. The Yes Camp wins in the Labour heartlands... but loses Perth & Kinross by a huge amount
4:44: Tommy Sheridan is said to be "heartbroken" at the way the night is going
4:34 The results are coming in thick and fast now, and the No Camp are pulling further ahead...
4:32: Dumfries: YES: 36,614 NO: 70,039
First photo of Alex Salmond as Scotland's #indyref declarations continue
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) September 19, 2014
4:22: Falkirk: YES: 50,489 NO: 58,030
4:18 Stirling: YES: 25,010 NO: 37,153
4:15: East Lothian: YES: 27,467 NO: 44,283
4:12 Midlothian: YES: 26,370 NO: 33,972
4:08 West Dumbartonshire results: YES: 33,720 NO: 28,776
3:58 Dundee results: YES: 53,620 NO: 39880 First gain for YES camp
3:53: Renfrewshire results... YES: 55,466 NO: 62,067
Hmmm RT @sarah_bloch: Alex Salmond left Aberdeen airport by private jet at 3am accompanied by wife Moira. Destination unknown. #indyref
— Ben Riley-Smith (@benrileysmith) September 19, 2014
3:35: Inverclyde: YES: 27,243 NO: 27,329. So close but the NO camp wins again...
Better Together event in Glasgow erupts into applause as they hear that Shetland voted No #indyref #c4news
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) September 19, 2014
Yes campaigners sing outside the Scottish Parliament as #indyref count continues
— ITV News (@itvnews) September 19, 2014
2:55 Eilean Siar (Western Isles) result now in: Yes: 9,195; No: 10,544. A significant result as the Yes team were expected to win here
2:48: Shetland vote: YES: 5,669; NO: 9,951 (3 out of 3 for the NO camp)
2:42: ...and the award for the most re-tweeted Tweet goes to...
"...or you can trade it all in for what's in this box."
"The box! The box!" #indyref
— SimpsonsQOTD (@SimpsonsQOTD) September 18, 2014
Faced with a vote...Drambuie or Black Label? #indyref
— Edwina Currie (@Edwina_Currie) September 19, 2014
“@HAL9000_: Scotty Declares Independence!
#indyref #ScotlandDecides #scotland” via @f4u1dcorsair
— Columbia (@whitesky60) September 19, 2014
2:24: Just heard the sound of thunder above our offices at Canary Wharf... or is it the first rumblings of discontent in the Yes camp?
Looks like a very big win for No in our local authority of East Renfrewshire on over 90% turnout.
— Jim Murphy (@jimmurphymp) September 19, 2014
2:06: Nick Robinson makes the point that both results so far are for areas with small populations
'Winds at our backs' says NO number cruncher #indyref
— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) September 19, 2014
02:00 Huw Edwards at the Beeb believes the average turnout across Scotland is about 85% - but don't hold him to that (not if his maths are anything like mine)
Seriously though, is that not a Yes vote on top of the No pile??? #indyref
— KJ (@KingdomJock) September 18, 2014
Yes taking a beating. Oh, Yes. #indyref
— John McTernan (@johnmcternan) September 19, 2014
Police on the scene at the Glasgow count amid allegations of electoral fraud #IndyRef
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 19, 2014
01:28 Clackmannanshire Vote Just In... YES: 16.350; NO: 19,036 NO wins first declaration (of 32)
01:27 Turnout in Dundee - thought to be an area of high support for "Yes" - low (79%)
01:22 According to The Sun, police are investigating 10 cases of "suspected electoral fraud" in Glasgow (£)
My top Indy ref sources say 55:45No. Admittedly my top sources may not be as top as they should be, but still, thought I should pass on
— Nick Cohen (@NickCohen4) September 18, 2014
00:46 An interesting take on the campaign by Alex Renton in Newsweek:
"As the polling booths are dismantled and the dust settles across the country, one thing will be gloriously clear to us. We are a Scotland rebooted, energised, empowered and – above all, after decades of feeling ignored and discounted by London – heard."
00:41: Queen to make a written statement this afternoon - BBC's Andrew Neil
#indyref turnout in Barra was approximately 95%. Boxes have now departed by lifeboat to be counted in Lewis.
— Michael Buchanan (@BBCMBuchanan) September 18, 2014
00:33 "Better Together" predict comfortable win for "No" vote in Falkirk but others predict "Yes" victory in North Lanarkshire - BBC
This has been a remarkable day. Scotland's future truly is in Scotland's hands. #IndyRef
— Alex Salmond (@AlexSalmond) September 18, 2014
Wow CNN. Much maths. Very accurate. #indyref #scotdecides @cnnbrk @fbermingham
— Mary-Ann Russon (@concertina226) September 18, 2014
00:18 Lianna Brinded in Scotland on the YouGov poll:
"The last YouGov poll shows that No gained a lead at 54% versus 46% who voted Yes.
It's not entirely surprising that the polls say one thing and people on the streets say another.
Speaking to and interviewing people across a range of industries and walks of life in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the Yes campaign have been relentlessly loud, brash and prolific, compared to Better Together which were rarely seen.
In line with stealth, and seemingly absent canvassing, No voters whispered their support off camera and and under cover of anonymity."
00:08: Labour shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander: "We should all feel both extraordinary pride and a certain humility when it comes to a turnout of this scale because it is literally unprecedented."
The people of Scotland have cast their votes. I sincerely hope that they remain a part of our family of nations. #indyref
— Nick Clegg (@nick_clegg) September 18, 2014
It's at times like this I mourn the passing of Paul the Octopus. He'd have had this whole thing figured in the wave of a tentacle. #indyref
— Sue Perkins (@sueperkins) September 18, 2014
23:52 The chairman of Yes Scotland, Dennis Canavan, has told Sky News: "I'm still optimistic ... I'm not at this stage conceding the result."
23:47 BBC: In some parts of Glasgow up to 80% turned out to vote. Whoever wins - if "win" is the word following such a divisive campaign - has democracy been the winner?
Scots and Catalans hope for a Yes in Barcelona's Loch Inn pub #indyref
— Bruno Waterfield (@BrunoBrussels) September 18, 2014
I am starting with Glenlivet 15. There are various Glenmorangies and a Bowmore to consider yet. #indyref
— Krishnan Guru-Murthy (@krishgm) September 18, 2014
Liam Fox: "What is now unavoidable is English question, the W Lothian question what do we do about imblanace in our relationship?" #indyref
— Ian Katz (@iankatz1000) September 18, 2014
Can see the No getting a few dodgy penalties tonight.. #indyref
— Kevin Bridges (@kevinbridges86) September 18, 2014
Peter Kellner suggests he can't see NO losing now.... Brave words!
— Anushka Asthana (@SkyAnushka) September 18, 2014
22:44 More details on that YouGov poll (which is not quite an exit poll but coudl be an indicator of the result...)
22:34 YouGov poll predicts victory for "No" vote by 54% to 46%
Our favourite polling day photo - follow our #indyref coverage
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) September 18, 2014
My friend Lucy made Salmond en croute tonight. Genius. #indyref
— George Chambers (@geocham) September 18, 2014
After years of disastrous football matches it will be exciting to finally watch Scotland take a tanking off itself
— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) September 18, 2014
Just watched first postal votes being counted, overwhelmingly No. But one ward and in one part of Edinburgh so no true indication #indyref
— Jason Beattie (@JBeattieMirror) September 18, 2014
22:00 That's it: the polling stations are closing, the ballot boxes locked, and soon the count will begin. So if you still haven't decided: too late...
Final preparations in Fife. Counting starts in 15 minutes. We're expecting a result around 4am #indyref
— James Williams (@jamswilliams85) September 18, 2014
No matter what happens, I will continue saving the Queen. #indyref
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) September 18, 2014
If tonight is indeed the birth of a new nation, now is about time to reach for the gas-and-air #indyref
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) September 18, 2014
21:45 15 MINUTES TO GO... then the hard work begins (for us in the office, anyway...)
Matt is sublime today #indyref
— Chris Deerin (@chrisdeerin) September 18, 2014
"Scotland, if you vote yes to independence, that’s it." – David Cameron
— The Onion (@TheOnion) September 18, 2014
If you've voted #NoThanks gear up for one last push and get your #BetterTogether friends to the polls. You won't regret it at 10pm #indyref
— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) September 18, 2014
I've seen a few antagonistic thugs trying to bait peaceful Yes supporters. Ignore these scum. They represent no one and nothing.
— hardeep singh kohli (@misterhsk) September 18, 2014
21:04 There will be a final YouGov poll 22:00 just as the poll booths close. Watch this space...
If Scotland votes 'NO', perhaps England should then have its own referendum on whether to let them stay in the UK.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 18, 2014
Massive decison to make this morning, unsure what to do. Roll and square with Tattie scone or roll and bacon with Tattie scone #help
— Gordon Strachan (@weeGordieStrach) September 18, 2014
Loch 'Yes' Monster among those flocking to polling stations across the Lothians for #indyref
— Evening News (@edinburghpaper) September 18, 2014
21:00 Yes campaigners on a roundabout - wondering which way to turn?

20:57 Lianna Brinded reports:
"Yes campaigners are still patrolling the streets and knocking on doors with less than an hour to go until polling stations close.
However, No campaigners are no where to be seen in Edinburgh."
20:23 Great take on the referendum by John Oliver
20:09 Notice how Groundskeeper Willie is keeping very quiet about all this?
#Twitter trends #YesScotland - punters & pollsters say #bettertogether.
Who's right will show us one shape of #GE2015
— Bonnie Greer (@Bonn1eGreer) September 18, 2014
20:07 Brendan "Spiked" O'Neill offers his uncompromising view on the referendum...
@ticketyboo01 I don't back horses, that's Salmond. I back principles, age old and evergreen
— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) September 18, 2014
19:53 Just over two hours left for the undecided to make their minds up...
In case you haven't voted. Why I did.
— Rory Bremner (@rorybremner) September 18, 2014
19:29 Hopefully this won't pass unnoticed on this historic day for Scotland (and indeed us all). The Royal and Ancient Golf Club has voted to allow ladies to become members. Welcome to the 20th Century... (Before you all tweet in - that was a "joke")
"No to independence!"
Sounds a bit silly and weird, doesn't it?
#YES it does.
— Irvine Welsh (@IrvineWelsh) September 17, 2014
19:14 And now this message from our Glorious Leader (I think)...
Decision day, Scotland. Think very carefully about the future. #ScotlandDecides
— Elizabeth Windsor (@Queen_UK) September 18, 2014
19:08 Thanks for that timely tune suggestion Rocco!
@IBTimesUK @fbermingham @markliampiggott England: If You Leave Me Now, #Scotland
— Rocco (@RoccoPagliacci) September 18, 2014
18.10: It's all gone a bit quiet, as the evening lull kicks in. Expect to hear more in the coming hours about expected results. But for now, it's time to hand over to @markliampiggott for the evening shift. Thanks for joining me.
I'll leave you with this: the Taiwanese interpretation of the past few weeks of the referendum build up. Just ignore the accent...
17:10: Here's Marc Waddington's full scoop in the Liverpool Echo on the Marie Rimmer arrest:
A former Merseyside council leader was arrested and charged with assault as she campaigned against Scottish independence at a polling station in Glasgow.
Marie Rimmer, who has been on St Helens council for more than three decades, was held after, the ECHO understands, a woman was kicked at a community centre in the Shettleston area of Glasgow around lunchtime as Scots turned out to cast their vote in the landmark referendum.
She was among droves of Merseyside politicians in Scotland to support the 'No' campaign, urging Scotland not to abandon the union during today's historic vote.
But it is understood a dispute broke out between the rival camps at the Shettleston Community Centre in Amulree Street in the inner city suburbs of the country's second city.
Here's Marie Rimmer about to embark on the campaign trail this morning...
Great to bump into some familiar #StHelens faces in Glasgow - @johnfulham & @marieerimmer #NoThanks
— David Baines (@davidebaines) September 18, 2014
16:58: Some more detail from Marc Waddington on the arrest in Glasgow:
BREAKING NEWS: Former St Helens council leader Marie Rimmer arrested and CHARGED with assault at Glasgow polling station - MTF @LivEchonews
— Marc Waddington (@WaddingtonPost) September 18, 2014
BREAKING: Former St Helens chief Marie Rimmer alleged to have assaulted woman at polling station in inner city Glasgow suburbs @LivEchonews
— Marc Waddington (@WaddingtonPost) September 18, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: 67-year-old Rimmer, to succeed Shaun Woodward as Labour candidate at next general election, charged with assault in Glasgow
— Marc Waddington (@WaddingtonPost) September 18, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: Report submitted to Procurator Fiscal over alleged assault by former St Helens council leader at Glasgow polling station
— Marc Waddington (@WaddingtonPost) September 18, 2014
16:49: This just in from the City Editor of the Liverpool Echo, Marc Waddington:
BREAKING: Prospective MP for St Helens arrested as she campaigned against Scots independence in Glasgow @LivEchonews
— Marc Waddington (@WaddingtonPost) September 18, 2014
16:40: Meanwhile...
"Where is the psychic animal?", you cry. Thanks to @MetroUK , A rooster to the rescue! @TheMediaTweets
— Andrew S (@a_stoth) September 18, 2014
16:34: Here's another update from Lianna Brinded, reporting from Edinburgh this week:
Wandering around IBTimes UK's temporary HQ in Grassmarket, Edinburgh, the Yes campaign has stepped up canvassing for support.
There are people giving out leaflets on every corner and a sign saying 'Honk If You Vote Yes' are resulting in endless car horn blowing near the corner of Lauriston Place.
A rally, spread by word of mouth, is now set to start at 1900 BST from the library in Niddrie - one of Edinburgh's most impoverished estates to the local polling station - led by a bagpipe player
Lianna also got the Catalan independence suppporters mentioned earlier (12:26), to find out why they're in Scotland for the referendum.
16:19: Yet more market data which shows the general feeling among traders over the outcome of the referendum (that it will be a 'No'). Alastair McCaig, Market Analyst at IG, the spreadbetting firm, tweeted the following:
We are into the last 20 mins of the trading day and no sign of a pre-emptive sell off ahead of #indyref
— Alastair McCaig (@AMcCaig_IG) September 18, 2014
16:08: Is there anybody who is not trying to get in on the indyref act? This has just come in from Clinton Cards:
National card and gift retailers Clintons have seen an 8% lift in the sale of 'sorry you're leaving' cards in the last week, ahead of today's Scottish referendum.
Tim Fairs, marketing director at Clintons, said: "We're unclear whether this is a reflection of a more buoyant job market or a hint that some people are betting on a Yes vote in today's referendum."
He added: "This is no exit poll, but as a back of the envelope calculation it might show that some think that change is on the cards."
Change. On the cards. Clinton Cards. See what they did there?
15:56: More reportage from on the ground in Scotland here, in a piece entitled Business for Scotland Warns Firms Don't Want Westminster's Crumbs
Speaking to IBTimes UK in Glasgow, Business for Scotland CEO Gordon Macintyre-Kemp told us why exactly why their 3,000 members are voting for splitting the 307-year old union.
He also revealed how over the last couple of weeks, BfS has reeled in hundreds of new supporters.
15:36: Lianna Brinded, our Business Editor, spoke to Adrian Rogstad, country risk analyst for research firm IHS, about the risk of violence later tonight on the streets of Scotland.
Here's what he had to say:
"Overall, during the campaign process, the marches have been largely peaceful and not very violent. There's only been a bit of egg throwing. However, saying that, I do think there will be a short term rise in tensions, violence and vandalism if it ends up being a No vote."
"You've got to think, around half of the population are likely to be disappointed and with results being announced so close to pub closing times, there will be a spate of violence. This will lead to mainly vandalism and unrest from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
"However, come the working week, there will be a significant reduction in tension."
15:29: What do the Monster Raving Loony Party think?

Right, so we've had input today from Andy Murray and Björk. In order to form an unholy trinity, we thought it would be a good idea to find out what the The Official Monster Raving Loony Party thinks.
From their website, on the "Scottish Neverendum" (we can only presume that "the fish" is Nicola Sturgeon:
We have noticed a few things which are particular to the Scottish Neverendum Campaign. There are calls that in the event of a Yes Vote David Cameroon should resign,(why?) however if they Vote No does Alex Salmond and the fish resign?
Also If the vote is No, will Alex Salmond as he is already doing, blame the BBC and the Westminster Government for bullying and scaremongering?
When he talks a load of rubbish its political campaigning, when someone refutes his arguments "it's all a conspiracy".
But let's get one thing clear if the Vote is No it should not raise its ugly head for at least another 300 years. I suspect however that if the vote is close we will be going through this scenario again in a few short years, and again , and again until Alex Salmond gets the result he wants. Hence the Scottish Neverendum.
When it comes to screaming out loud we in the Loony party have much more experience than Alex Salmond. (Re our former leader,the clue is in the name)
But if that leaves it a bit ambiguous as to what they actually want, then they clear things up in a later post:
We propose, in order to keep everyone happy, Scotland will be independent, every other year. Simple, Easy, Effective
Cheers, lads.
15:09: From the rather aptly named Brilliant Maps: If All 'European Free Alliance' Separatist Movements Succeeded.
How many of these places have you been to?
Most popular map from yesterday: If All 'European Free Alliance' Separatist Movements Succeeded
— Brilliant Maps (@BrilliantMaps) September 18, 2014
15:00: Markets react to potential 'No' vote

Some further signs that markets are warming to the idea that a 'No' vote will come through.
Flashes on the Reuters wire show that UK gilt futures have fallen to a session low, after the Ipsos Mori poll showed a majority of Scots are against independence.
The sterling, the cornerstone of much of the economic debate and which has fallen on fears of independence, has now hit a two-year high against the euro and, slightly less spectacularly, a two-week high against the US dollar.
Jasper Lawler, a market analyst at CMC Markets, a financial derivatives dealer, tells IBTimes UK:
The FTSE 100 is less than 100 pts from multi-year highs, if investors were truly taking precaution over the result you'd imagine it'd be a bit lower.
Most FTSE 100 companies don't do a lot of business in Scotland but the uncertainty of it could push stock prices lower and the stock price declines of those businesses who have strong ties could easily do substantial damage to the market as a whole.
Sterling has traded higher in the last week and is back above 1.63 to the dollar the price before the YouGov poll put the 'Yes' campaign ahead which really doesn't suggest too much concern.
Volatile days can see 300 pip swings in FX, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that 'Yes' vote would cause a total capitulation in cable and see it down 800 pips in the days following to 1.55.
14:55: Via the Reuters wire, Dr Michael J. Geary, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Europe at Maastricht University, makes some interesting and salient points about the potential of an independent Scotland. The negotiation period, he naturally says, will be vital. While some international organisations will be easier to join than others. He draws on some fascinating examples.
For Scotland, the first 18 months after a 'Yes' result will be crucial not only for finding a solution to the currency question but also in securing membership of the international community. Edinburgh will, of necessity, have to seek membership of many international organizations including the UN, EU, IMF and the World Bank; Scotland will not automatically inherit membership of any organization where Britain is already a member. At the UN, membership should be a relatively straightforward process. Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Eritrea and others each had to apply to join the UN once their independence dreams were realized. The only potential hazard might be a veto from a member of the Security Council.
History has shown that membership of the financial institutions, the IMF and the World Bank, for newly independent countries is somewhat similar. Independence did not confer automatic membership for any of the countries mentioned above and Scotland will have to make a fresh application. Membership of an international organization gives rise to rights and obligations of voting, as well as budgetary contributions and the (re)allocation of voting right with each enlargement. Here, again, the quest for membership should be plain sailing.
After independence, and based on past precedent, Scotland will have automatically exited the EU. Algeria, administered as a départment of France, gained independence in 1962 and was therefore, for a short time, part of the EEC. Its independence did not confer on it an automatic right to Community membership, even if it wanted it. The biggest post-independence decision for Edinburgh will be whether to apply for EU membership and with it, access to the Single Market. Through Britain's membership, Scotland has been implementing the acquis communautaire for the past 40 years. It should, on paper, be the least problematic enlargement in the EU's history. However, a number of key issues would require negotiation. Should Scotland apply to become a full member, would it agree to become part of Schengen? Most likely, not. Strategically, it would make sense to negotiate an opt-out similar to the one secured by Ireland and Britain. Edinburgh could then negotiate to join the British-Irish Common Travel Area to facilitate the flow of air, sea and road transport without onerous border restrictions.
14:45: More detail on arrest at polling station

Our reporter Ewan Palmer has more details on that arrest at a polling station earlier:
A man has been arrested over an alleged assault which occurred at a Scottish referendum polling station in Clydebank.
The man, believed to be a 'Yes' voter, is accused of attacking a Labour council member at a station in Faifley as he made his way to vote in the historic poll.
The alleged attack took place as police ordered thousands of officers to polling stations across the country, to deal with any potential incidents.
The 44-year-old man arrested on suspicion of assault is due to appear before Dunbartonshire Court to face the charges.
The Scottish Labour party confirmed the assault in Clydebank. A spokesperson said: "A councillor was assaulted by a 'Yes' activist at the polling station and the person was arrested by police."
The alleged incident occurred after Scottish Police dismissed "preposterous" suggestions there will be an increase of violence come the day of the referendum, as tensions between the two opposing campaigns rise.
14:25: Bookmaker Paddy Power has been in touch with some info on the latest movements in the Scottish referendum betting markets.
From their spokesperson:
From speaking to the traders the most significant thing they've seen in the last 24 hours is the shift in the Glasgow vote, whilst they favour a no vote the yes vote has significantly shortened from 6/4 to 8/15 – essentially it's going to be a lot closer in Glasgow than had been originally anticipated.
Other interesting bits and bobs:
- Largest non-sporting betting market ever; six figures over last 24 hours and £1m+ payout
- 30% of Scottish bettors are putting their money on Yes
- Record turnout expected, giving punters a likely payday of nearly £100k on an over 80% turnout bet
- 3 out of 4 of Scotland's big cities look to be voting No
- Currently priced at...Yes: 7/2 No: 1/5
14:10: Scots to turn to bitcoin?

The currency issue has been one of the core arguments of the past few months. In the case of independence, the SNP and Alex Salmond have been adamant that they'll keep the pound, or else walk away from their share of the UK's debt. Westminster and the Bank of England have been dismissive of this claim, saying that a currency union is not an option.
Our Technology Reporter Anthony Cuthbertson obviously got bored of that debate and asked a question which sounds like much more fun: Could bitcoin replace the pound as Scotland's national currency?
From Anthony's piece:
Guy Debelle, the assistant governor of Australia's central bank, suggested earlier this year that a nation such as Scotland could potentially switch from using a traditional fiat currency to a cryptocurrency, referring to it as a "nice natural experiment about the future of money in Scotland".
Scotland already has a national cryptocurrency - at least unofficially - in the form of scotcoin.
Set up earlier this year by Edinburgh-based venture capitalist Derek Nisbet, scotcoin markets itself as a local cryptocurrency that can be used by Scottish communities and businesses.
Since the debate on Scottish independence, scotcoin has seen its value surge. Earlier this week, scotcoin's market capitalisation stood at over £500,000, according to CoinMarketCap.
In rather more tongue in cheek fashion, the website Wunderground has run the fetching headline: Buckfast named front runner to be become independent Scotland's official currency.
Now why didn't Big 'Eck think of that?
13:56: Some more stattage, for those number lovers. In the run up to the referendum, what seemed to be every bank and financial institution based in Scotland made rumblings, of varying volumes, about upping sticks for the far side of Hadrian's Wall in case of a 'Yes' vote.
Just how much is the financial sector worth to Scotland's economy? The financial sector generates between £7bn to £9bn in revenue annually for the economy and is worth £1.4bn to the Scottish exports sector.
Its banking industry employs 100,000 people and accounts for 13% of banking employment in the UK. Lloyds employs 16,000 staff in Scotland. RBS employs 11,500. Bank of Scotland has 293 branches. RBS has 270.
70% of all pension products bought by Scots comes from rest of UK. Standard Life, Scottish Widows, and Scottish Life, are the biggest employers. Standard Life is the largest insurer based in Scotland. Standard Life employs 5,000 in Scotland, but about 90% of its UK customers live outside Scotland.
What of fund managers?
Around 500 funds are run by Scotland based money managers. Assets managed in Scotland? £560bn in 2013, 11% of the UK's total £5tn. 15% of the total UK industry headcount of 30,800 is based in Scotland, with 60 hedge funds located there as of July. 48% of Scottish adults have an Individual Savings Account, which benefits from UK tax relief.
Thanks to the indefatigable Shane Croucher for that data. You can all relax now.
13:13: Here's an eye-catching moment from the BBC archives. Alex Salmond appears on Question Time 22 years ago talking about the prospect of Scottish independence. He's alongside the former Labour leader John Smith and former deputy prime minister, Michael Heseltine, of the Conservative Party.
Salmond's message has remained pretty constant since 1992, by the sounds of things: that Westminster doesn't represent the Scottish people and that, eventually, Scotland will become an independent nation. Will today be that fateful day?
13:18: Fortunately there are very few reports of violence at polling stations so far on referendum day, but Glasgow police told IBTimes UK of one concerning incident. A spokeswoman said:
"A 44-year-old man is due to appear at Dunbartonshire Court on Friday with regard to an alleged assault in a polling station in Faifley in Clydebank this morning."
13:07: Independent Scotland to Join Nordic Council?

The Danish tabloid newspaper Ekstra Bladet ran a poll and found that 78.84% of its readers would welcome an independent Scotland in the 'Nordic Council', whose members are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Aland Islands, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Their country looks more like Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway than England!
Ekstra Bladet
Well, it's an option...
Last year, the pro-independence group National Collective published the following quotes from Nordic Council officials:
Rasmus Helveg Petersen MP, the foreign affairs spokesperson for the Social Liberals – who are part of the Danish government – stated that in the event of independence
Scottish membership of the EU would be a mere formality."
Jakob Ellemann-Jensen MP, the Venstre Spokesperson on European Affairs and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said
Should Scotland vote for independence it would only be natural for Denmark to acknowledge this independence and to welcome Scotland in both the EU in accordance with the Copenhagen Criteria and also in NATO."
The Nordic Council is the official inter-parliamentary body in the Nordic Region. The Nordic Council was formed in 1952.
12:42: What Scotland Thinks, a research firm, has just published its final "poll of polls", which shows the 'No' vote on 52% and the 'Yes' vote on 48%.
From chief commentator John Curtice:
The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks' latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time.
The latest and last Poll of Polls is based on two polls by Survation, two by Ipsos MORI, one by YouGov and one by Panelbase, and one by ICM. The polls were conducted between 12 and 17 September.
The calculation is exceptionally based on seven polls because one poll by Survation and one by ICM shared exactly the same fieldwork dates. They have each been counted with a weight of 0.5.
The following new polls have been added to the calculation: Ipsos MORI for Evening Standard, first released on 18 September. Its inclusion made no difference to the previous poll of polls dated 17 September
And here's the graph he's talking about:

12:33: This is very unfortunate. The debate over Scottish independence has been impassioned and lively, but this picture, taken by Labour MSP Jackie Baillie, shows that an ugly side of the debate has reared its head.


Despite the latest polls, which show that the 'No' vote is beginning to enjoy some daylight, the support of Catalans who have travelled to Scotland to experience the referendum is unwavering.
More Catalan support has arrived at Holyrood, pledging support from the younger generation. IBTimes UK spoke to Sergi, 21, Josep, 23, and Tomás, 24, who have all travelled for the voting period to pledge support to those Scots that are looking for independence.
They say it's the younger generation that will make a difference to the push for independence in both Scotland and Catalonia. They're hoping that if Scotland does become independence, then the EU would be more supportive of their own breakaway
Lianna Brinded, Business Editor
12:10: Pollster Ipsos Mori has released its final poll and it looks like positive news for 'No' voters and an extraordinary boon for fans of democracy. An incredible 95% (ninety-five) of those polled say they're going to cast a vote. They have 'No' at 53% and 'Yes' at 47%.
Our last poll on #indyref No at 53% and Yes at 47%. 95% say they will vote to day for @standardnews
— Ben Page, Ipsos MORI (@benatipsosmori) September 18, 2014
As I wrote earlier (06:30), no matter how the vote goes, with turnout like that, nobody can have any complaints.
Small to medium enterprises are the lifeblood of Scotland's economy, accounting for 99% of private sector in the country.
Speaking to IBTimes TV, the co-founder of graphics company Thin Red Line Design, Jil Murphy told us why she is voting Yes and why others should to.
Murphy, who also works on the campaign trail for pro-independence, said that the only way that SMEs can ensure a better deal is through more domestic control over the economy.
11:42: An update to that Iain McKenzie MP story (11:10). We've been in touch with his office and a spokesperson has told us that there is "no truth whatsoever" that he was asked to leave. He has a "roving brief" and is touring polling stations, so simply was moving on to another one. When asked if there was any incident at all she said "no".
The man himself has just tweeted this response:
More lies from Yes Scotland supports on twitter accusing me of shouting at voters in Port Glasgow. Absolutely No truth in this whatsoever!
— Iain McKenzie MP (@InverclydeMP) September 18, 2014
11.40: The financial sector has made no secret of its hopes: most are willing a 'No' vote. And this report from Shane Croucher shows that analysts are fairly confident they'll get their wish.
However, they are still trying to anticipate what would happen to the markets if voters say "no".
"The markets will start to move from the exit polls as this will give traders some form of trend direction for the vote," said Joshua Raymond, chief market strategist at CityIndex.
"However a yes vote would still be a shock, particularly given the small lead most polls are giving the no camp.
"Whilst the timeframe for an independent Scotland gives time to sort the fine details of what a breaking of the union could look like, a break up will still trigger a huge wave of uncertainty over the so many unanswered questions such as the role of the BoE and the pound.
"Investors hate uncertainty and so we could likely see an upsurge in risk aversion and a selling of the pound."
Angus Campbell, a senior analyst at FXPro, said a yes vote would "cause an immediate sell off in sterling".
"We saw GBPUSD fall 4 cents following the YouGov poll some ten days ago that showed the Yes Campaign in the lead for the first time ever, a 2.5% fall, but if the vote for independence succeeds then a much bigger sterling sell off can be expected," Campbell said.
"[A No] result would be a boon for the British pound which should see a strong relief rally in the short term as all the worries over how assets and liabilities will be split are swept firmly under the carpet.
"I say 'swept' because the issue is highly likely to resurface at some point in the future, especially if the Scottish National Party maintains its grip on power in Holyrood."

From our Business Editor Lianna Brinded:
It's not just Scots that are looking for independence, one Catalonian travelled all the way to Scotland to push for breaking away from Spain.
Seb told us that he and his fellow pro-independence supporters back Scots breaking away from the UK because it will help the Catalans' cause.
A full interview will be up soon...
11:10: [UPDATE: 11:29] IBTimes UK has been in touch with Iain McKenzie's office and is awaiting confirmation of these reports.
Unconfirmed reports are piling in from voters on Twitter that Iain McKenzie, Labour MP for Inverclyde. PPS to Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland & Shadow Secretary of State for Defence, has been asked to leave the polling station at Port Glasgow for "shouting at voters" to "vote No".
Iain McKenzie MP asked to leave polling station for shouting at folk to vote NO. If he was honest he'd be saying it was to preserve his job!
— Howard Wilson (@hwperth) September 18, 2014
Iain Mckenzie MP told to leave a polling station after shouting at voters. Perfect end to a campaign of negative hysterics #indyref
— Ross Greer (@Ross_Greer) September 18, 2014
Iain McKenzie MP for Labour been told to leave his polling station for screaming at people to vote no! You couldn't make it up
— Darren (@hiitsdarrennnn) September 18, 2014
11:02: Previous election campaigns have been won and lost on the doorsteps. It's fair to say, I think, that in this day and age, images of politicians kissing babies are less politically savvy. This is probably the first time on these islands that the electoral battlegrounds have been drawn so prominently on social media.
Social media consultancy We Are Social has been in touch with the latest figures, which shows that from 21 August to 17 September, there were more than 2.4 million mentions of #indyref on Twitter. With the #voteyes hashtag being used 720,776 times and #bettertogether trailing on 145,445. It perhaps tells you something about the demography of the vote.
From We Are Social:
When looking at those people who have indicated a preference For and Against; the Yes campaign has consistently outstripped the No campaign. The Yes campai
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