After Princess Märtha Louise of Norway released her first statement on the death of her ex-husband, Ari Behn, her bisexual shaman boyfriend opened up about the tragedy and issued a short statement on social media.

The Los Angeles-based "spiritual guide and gifted healer" Shaman Durek expressed grief on the death of the author, who committed suicide on Christmas Day, and said he feels "incredibly sad for their loss."

"Out of deep respect for Märtha and Ari's children, I will not comment further on the passing of their father, not now nor later, other than to say I am so incredibly sad for their loss," the 45-year-old wrote alongside a picture of a floating lotus flower.

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Ari Behn was married to Princess Märtha Louise for 15 years before divorcing in 2016. The couple shared three daughters - Maud Angelica, 16, Leah Isadora, 14, and Emma Tallulah, 10. He committed suicide on Christmas Day at the age of 47, and was laid to rest at Oslo Cathedral on Friday by members of the royal family. Durek was not in attendance at the funeral, reports People.

The Norway Royals
Norway's Princess Martha Louise and her husband Ari Behn pose with their children Emma Tallulah Behn, Leah Isadora Behn and Maud Angelica Behn (L-R) at the Royal Castle in Oslo January 19, 2009. Emma Tallulah Behn was christened in the Royal Chapel at Akershus Castle in Oslo on January 20, 2009. REUTERS

Princess Märtha issued a statement two days after the ceremony and revealed her ex-husband was suffering from mental illness for a long time.

"It is so painful to think that you would leave the earth. We are in deep sorrow and pain all together. An invisible illness took you more and more, because that's when the mental health fails. For a long time, we gradually saw you disappear, but we held on to the belief that this would go well. Your family fought for you. They have been there for you day and night," the 48-year-old wrote on Instagram in Norwegian, along with a photo of her ex-husband.

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Kjære Ari, Vi skulle vært sammen i julen og feiret. Vi hadde gledet oss alle sammen. Og vi er så uendelig triste og lei oss for tapet av nettopp deg, for du var jentenes varme, morsomme, kloke og gode pappa som de savner så dypt. Vi savner de morsomme kommentarene, de fine synsvinklene dine, den poetiske tonen, de overstrømmende komplimentene, den store kjærligheten du hadde for dem. I dag hadde du vært så inderlig stolt av dem. Men nå er det et tomrom der du var, for ingen kan noen gang erstatte deg for de vakre jentene våre. Og det er så vondt å tenke på at du ville forlate jorden. Vi er i dyp sorg og smerte alle sammen. En usynlig sykdom tok mer og mer overhånd i deg, for sånn er det når den psykiske helsen svikter. Over lang tid så vi deg gradvis bli borte, men vi holdt fast i troen på at dette skulle gå bra. Familien din kjempet for deg. De har stått der for deg dag og natt. Du er og vil fortsette å være dypt savnet, Ari. Og jeg kjenner på en sorg over at du aldri riktig forstod hvor elsket du var. Jeg håper at vi som er igjen, kan være gode til å rose hverandre og si de fine ordene til hverandre. For vi har dette livet til å dele nettopp hvor glad vi er for hverandre og hvilke fantastiske kvaliteter vi ser i hverandre. Vi holder deg i kjærlighet, Ari, og går videre med dine ord: Hver dag er en fest og du er et smykke.

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"You are and will continue to be deeply missed, Ari. And I feel sad that you never really understood how loved you were. I hope that we who are left can be good at praising each other and saying the nice words to each other. We keep you in love, Ari, and move on with your words: Every day is a party and you are a piece of jewelry," the royal further wrote.