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The shortlist for the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards, one of the world's leading photography competitions, has been revealed today by the World Photography Organisation. Photographers from 166 countries submitted nearly 140,000 images, the highest number of entries in the awards' seven-year history.
All the shortlisted images will go on show at Somerset House, London, from 1-18 May as part of the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition. Tickets are now available at www.worldphoto.org/2014exhibition. The winners and images that made it to the final phase will also be published in the 2014 edition of the Sony World Photography Awards book.
The awards recognise Professional, Open and Youth contestants. This gallery showcases just 20 of the shortlisted images in the Open competition, which is for photographers of all abilities, in a number of categories like Nature & Wildlife, Low Light, Arts & Culture. Category winners will be announced on 18 March and one Overall Open Photographer of the Year will be revealed on 30 April 2014.
Nicholas Roemmelt, Austria: "Mobius Arch, Alabama Hills, with Milky Way."Nicholas RoemmeltVlad Eftenie, Romania: First SnowVlad EftenieNicolas Reusens, Spain: The Knight and his SteedNicolas ReusensSean Batten, United Kingdom: Canary WharfSean BattenVuk Adzic, Serbia and Montenegro: Dancer in the DarkVuk AdzicBonnie Cheung, Hong Kong: Jump of LifeBonnie CheungLessy Sebastian, Indonesia: See ThruLessy SebastianHasan Bağlar, Cyprus: Let's DanceHasan BağlarPedro Londoño, Colombia: InfanciaPedro LondoñoChin Boon Leng , Singapore: What are you staring at!?Chin Boon LengNgai Bun Wonh, China: UntitledNgai Bun WonhIvan Pedretti, Italy: Starry LighthouseIvan PedrettiIñigo Cia Da Riva, Spain: "Desert of Bardenas Reales of Navarra on a beautiful night near Pamplona, Spain."Iñigo Cia Da RivaIgor Kryzhko, Russia: Last Summer Day. "Kubana open air festival that took place in 2013 in the vicinity of the city of Anapa in Russia."Igor KryzhkoHolger Schmidtke, Germany: LightsnakeHolger SchmidtkeHelga Urban, Hungary: Colourful mountains. "This picture was taken in Landmannalaugar, Iceland."Helga UrbanAlpay Erdem, Turkey: Muddy SmileAlpay ErdemGert van den Bosch, Netherlands: The Cold PonyGert van den BoschAnthony Fernandez, Philippines: Camel portraitAnthony FernandezAlf Bailey, United Kingdom: Buttermere Lake in Cumbria. "A moment when the sun appeared just over the mountain and illuminated both sides of the valley, leaving the trees very prominent and the background hazy."Alf Bailey