The supreme court has done Brexiteers a huge favour
Brexit is going to happen and there's not a thing Remainers can do about it.

You'll have to excuse me, but I just can't stop laughing. It's probably the funniest thing I've heard in years. Who'd have thought that such a serious businesswoman as Gina Miller could inspire gales of mirth?
Quite unintentionally, of course. There didn't seem much scope for humour when she stood outside the Supreme Court, basking in her resounding triumph against the might of Her Majesty's Government. By forcing Ministers to go back to Parliament before triggering the Brexit negotiations, she certainly provoked irritation in Downing Street. But she's also earned herself a whole chapter in legal history. And even we Brexiteers find it hard not to admire such a feisty winner.
But it was what she said next that rather dented her image and deserves its honoured place in the comic firmament. ''This case was one that went to the very heart of our constitution," she intoned, going on helpfully to inform us that "Parliament alone is sovereign". Since then, her assertion of parliamentary primacy has been echoed again and again by the Lib Dems and other Remainers, all of them claiming their undying loyalty to the British Parliamentary tradition.
For of course such claims are hilariously the reverse of the truth. From the day we joined the then Common Market, the Lib Dems and their europhile friends in both the Labour and Tory parties have colluded in every single move by Brussels to diminish the power of Parliament. Over the years these politicians have tamely surrendered effective control over agriculture, fisheries, the environment, immigration, trade policy, industrial policy, workers' rights and more besides, handing power instead to remote, arrogant, unaccountable and frequently useless Eurocrats.
What's more, these soi-disant defenders of parliamentary sovereignty helped to rubber-stamp reams upon reams of European legislation without proper scrutiny, as anyone can testify who has witnessed the pitiful performance of Commons committees dealing with EU legislation.
Well, at least Ms Miller's comments have exposed the ocean-going hypocrisy of many in the Remain camp. Meanwhile, those of us who voted Leave may find that the Supreme Court ruling actually gives us something to celebrate. It's a relief, for example that the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland won't have a say over the triggering of Article 50 – something that might have created a constitutional nightmare.
From the day we joined the then Common Market, the Lib Dems and their europhile friends in both the Labour and Tory parties have colluded in every single move by Brussels to diminish the power of Parliament
But what really emerges from all this is something that the most committed Remainers, ranging from Tim Farron to Tony Blair and Nicola Sturgeon to Peter Mandelson, don't seem to have grasped. Brexit is going to happen and there's not a thing they can do about it.
Remember the furore only last November, when the High Court ruled that Theresa May didn't have the power to trigger the Brexit negotiations under Article 50 without parliamentary approval? One newspaper labelled the court's judges 'enemies of the people'. For a time it seemed as though the whole issue might turn into a full-blown constitutional crisis, with the Remain majority in the Commons seizing the opportunity either to stop Brexit altogether, or ensure such a soft exit that it would hardly be noticeable.
How the mood has changed. The consequence of that row, only a few weeks ago is that only the bravest and most dedicated Remainer would dare to risk public outrage by blocking Article 50. They know perfectly well what the consequences would be for their precious careers. And so the claim now – another piece of laughable dishonesty – is that they respect the electorates' decision and only wish to ensure that we get the best Brexit possible.
So sure, there's trouble ahead. The House of Lords is threatening to cut up rough. Some Tory rebels are – inconveniently - pushing for a White Paper on the negotiations. The SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon is planning a stunt at Holyrood that would see it voting against Brexit. Tim Farron and the Lib Dems want a second referendum, aping the grand old EU tradition of holding vote after vote until the country comes to the 'right' decision. And Labour wants something too, though quite what is impossible to tell.
But none of it will make a difference. If the Lords dare to frustrate the public's wishes, Theresa May will simply appoint dozens of peers with a remit to force Brexit through. If ministers are forced to publish a White Paper, they could live with that. If Nicola Sturgeon's stunt garners a few headlines, so what? Tim Farron's Lib Dems have no support. Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party has no credibility.
The picture now is clearer than ever. Theresa May's opponents dare not frustrate the voters' wishes. Nor do they dare provoke her into calling an early General Election. One way or another Brexit is going to happen. There really is no going back.
Michael Toner is a former Fleet Street political editor and co-author of a series of Bluffers' Guides on Europe. Follow : @toner
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