Tesco bans Ribena and Capri-Sun: The internet reacts

Tesco, the UK's biggest supermarket chain, has announced it will stop the sale of sugar-filled juice box drinks Capri-Sun and Ribena in order to stop childhood obesity. Social media users in the UK are not happy about this, and turned to Twitter in droves to express their rage over the ban.
A Tesco spokesman told IBTimes UK: "It is worth pointing out that we will still be selling Ribena and this only concerns juice boxes as we want to stop selling the drinks to children specifically. We will still be selling the cartons with no added sugar and the bottled drinks."
"We want to help our customers make healthier choices and that's why we have pledged to continue to cut sugar from the food and drink on our shelves," he added. "From September all the children's juice drinks we sell will have no added sugar in them because we know it'll make a positive difference to children's health."
Idiots at Tesco to ban Ribena to tackle obesity #Tesco #Ribena pic.twitter.com/gaYIOA888l
— Logical Campaign (@LogicalCampaign) July 28, 2015
The average bottle of Ribena ready-to-drink squash (500ml) contains 52.6g of sugar, the equivalent of 13 sugar cubes. The supermarket also announced plans to reduce the sugar in its own-brand soft drinks by 5% each year and says it has already cut 4bn calories from its offerings.
Tesco was criticised for itsalleged hypocrisy as the retailer continues to sell other unhealthy products. Others slammed the decision from the retailer to cut Ribena and Capri-Sun from its shelves starting in September, arguing that they still want the soft drinks sales from the summer holidays.
So Tesco is banning Ribena:they can't assume everyone has no self control or parents can't control their kids intake pic.twitter.com/ppFN5132YZ
— Dan Dan (@dannyairways) July 28, 2015
The problem with Tesco banning Ribena is you create a black market for it and three year-olds organising violent tricycle drive-bys.
— Suleman (@NamelusWonder) July 28, 2015
Ribena was apparently sold at half price in Tesco at Canary Wharf.
Half-price! @tesco pic.twitter.com/gF4FbRWqUm
— Ian Silvera (@ianjsilvera) July 28, 2015
Hey Tesco, you missed one pic.twitter.com/KMTdrs6d3y
— Ian Silvera (@ianjsilvera) July 28, 2015
Wait, Tesco are banning Ribena because of its sugar content? That makes absolutely no sense in any universe
— Simon Batten (@Simbojimbo) July 28, 2015
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