Throwing shade at Ashley Graham? Tess Holliday slams curvy models who don't like 'plus-size' tag
"How can you build your career from taking money from plus-size women and then turn around and say the term's not good enough for you?"

Size 22 model Tess Holliday has made it clear that she is no fan of the curvy models who denounce the term "plus-size" after making money off it. And in the process, the 32-year-old beauty seems to have dragged popular plus-size model Ashley Graham in the mix, even throwing shade at her.
"If someone googles 'model' they're going to see Bella Hadid or Gigi. If they google 'plus-size model' they're going to see me," Holliday opened up in a recent interview with Paper magazine.
Without taking any particular name though, the curvaceous model went on to slam fellow colleagues from the industry; who have over time expressed their dislike for the term plus-size.
"I think it's incredibly frustrating that all these women capitalize off a marginalized group and when they become famous they are too good for it," she said adding, "One of them was just in a Lane Bryant campaign."
Among the slew of curvy beauties who have modelled for plus-size retail brand Lane Bryant, Graham happens to be a popular face. Moreover, the American model has, in the past, been vocal about her disdain for the "plus-size" tag and preference for "curvy".
While seemingly calling out this particular attitude towards the term plus-size, Holliday went on to highlight the trend.
"How can you build your career from taking money from plus-size women and then turn around and say the term's not good enough for you?" she stated.
"I don't want to be called 'curvy sexy-licious,' that's ridiculous. It's insulting! We can't even be who we are. I get the whole 'not being into labels,' but it's for a plus-size woman being like 'I'm plus-size, she's plus-size, I'm fat, she's fat.' It's not a hate-term, it's how I describe my body,'" the better-half of Australian photographer Nick Holliday added.
The mother-of-two also talked about a prevalent trend, where fashion shows only pick curvy models till a certain size.
"I want to see plus-size models that are bigger than a size 14...I'm also sick of plus-size women being pitted against each other, and they never pick anyone who is past a certain size or dark-skinned," Holliday said.
"Except one show that had a size 22 — but that was for publicity — this past fashion week had more plus-size models than ever but no one was past a size 14."