> Health from
> Abortion
US: Girl Scouts Sexualising Recruits, Claims Republican Bob Morris
Indiana congressman snubs 100th anniversary celebrations amid claims Girl Scouts promote gay and transgendered people and abortion.
Bahrain Women Protesters 'Tortured by Regime'
As the anniversary of the February 14 protests approaches, Bahraini government stands accused of increasing use of torture on jailed women activists
JFK 'Took Intern's Virginity and Forced Her to Take Drugs'
Mimi Alford, 69, claims John F Kennedy took her virginity, watched her perform sex acts with aide and made her take drugs.
Atheists Strangely Quiet on Bishops in Welfare Debate
Where is Richard Dawkins when you need him?
Basic Instinct Star Sharon Stone Opens Up
In a detailed interview, the actress says she felt bad attending events when her personal life was in turmoil.
US 2012: Mitt Romney Lead Shrinks as Candidates Make Final Push in South Carolina
Front-runner Mitt Romney and his Republican presidential pursuers have entered into the final full day of campaigning
The Vatican Plagiarises Wikipedia for Biographies
The Vatican has been caught using large chunks of text taken directly from Wikipedia in its biographies of 22 new cardinals.
Iowa Caucus 2012 Results: No Clear Winner Yet
Latest Republican Iowa caucus results show no clear favourite for November Presidential polls.
New Zealand: Virgin Mary Pregnancy Test Poster Shocks
A church billboard which shows a shocked Virgin Mary holding a positive pregnancy test has caused controversy in New Zealand.
Free Christmas Morning-After Pills like 'Dialling for Pizza', say Pro-Life Groups
Women are being encouraged to stock up on emergency contraception ahead of the festive party season, sparking outrage from anti-abortion campaigners.
'Designer Vagina' Surgery Goes Wrong, Doctor Declared a 'Risk to the Public'
One patient told the General Medical Council hearing that she had to undergo revision surgery after part of her vagina was effectively amputated.
Celebrity Lawyer: I Will ‘Kick That Baby Out Of Your Stomach’
A celebrity divorce lawyer told a filling clerk he would "kick that baby out of her stomach" because he did not want to pay her maternity leave.
Petition Sent to Apple After Siri Found to Promote 'Anti-Choice Pregnancy Crisis Clinics'
Apple's voice activated personal assistant Siri has caused outrage in America, after it was found that the application offers "anti-choice crisis pregnancy centres" instead of abortion clinics.
Tunisian Elections: High Turnout as Secular-Religious Divide Continues
The first elections in Tunisia since the revolution, held Sunday, have been hailed as a success after an exceptionally high turnout proved Tunisians are determined to use their new freedoms.
Herman Cain Says No Abortion Under 'Any Circumstance' [VIDEO]
Herman Cain used his first primetime appearance as the Republican presidential primary's front-runner to reveal that he did not agree with abortion "under any circumstance."
N.Y. Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Wall Street Protesters Accused of Past Brutality
The New York police officer identified by Anonymous and a number of Occupy Wall Street protesters as responsible for attacking peaceful participants with pepper spray is already being investigated for acts of brutality in an earlier protest, according to media reports.
Proposed Measure Revives UK Abortion Issue
Britain's abortion debate returned to the forefront after a Conservative MP pushed for a new rules on the advice that can be offered to women seeking abortions, charging certain clinics have a financial motive to encourage them.
Michelle Bachmann's Ten Commandements, better than Palin and Bush combined?
Today, Michelle Bachmann, a Tea Party favourite, formally launched her campaign by announcing she intends to run for presidency in 2012.
New Hampshire Republican debate 2011: Michele Bachmann announces Presidential run
Seven Republican candidates came together on Monday in a debate in New Hampshire, which holds the first primary of the 2012 election. Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum addressed issues ranging from the state of the economy to abortion rights.