> AI
AI-designed molecule shows medicinal properties
The molecule, which has been designed using deep learning algorithms can rapidly identify DDR1 Kinase exhibitors.
AI-based emulator will translate previously untranslated languages
Languages translated will include ones that have never been considered for translation.
Elon Musk predicts that computers will surpass humans soon
Musk predicts that his Neauralink software will help people develop better skills.
LG AI claims to predict appliance malfunction beforehand
The company's "proactive" artificial intelligence will predict problems in appliances before they happen.
These jaw-dropping facts will change your mind about the Internet of Things
If you have a finger on the pulse of the world's significant tech trends, then you've already seen the IoT in action.
What's ahead for smartphone prices, AI and smart speakers?
By 2020, 20% of citizens in developed countries will use AI assistants to help them with an array of tasks.
Google pledges not to use AI for weapons or surveillance
The search giant had been formulating a patchwork of policies around ethical questions for years, and finally put them in writing.
Intelligent machines: How prepared are the C-Suite for the next industrial revolution?
In reality, smarter technologies are more likely to complement the workforce, rather than shift the human element out of large parts of their organisation.
Mind the gap – Industry 4.0 and the future of manufacturing
The manufacturing industry, in common with many others, is currently undergoing a significant digital transformation.
Machine learning: Taming the flood of unstructured enterprise data
Matt Fleckenstein, Nintex CMO, discusses how machine learning can extract value from an ocean of unstructured data.
Bots in the workforce – A force for good?
John Everhard, director at Pegasystems, suggests a different perspective on the rise of machine 'co-workers'.
Machine learning: How emerging technologies can help people get better at their jobs
In the drive to improve productivity and business performance, one approach with great untapped potential is to harness metadata, machine learning, and process automation
Developing pharmaceuticals efficiently with artificial intelligence
Ken Mulvany, Founder and Chairman of BenevolentAI, predicts as much as 60% time saving in early drug development phases compared to traditional pharmaceutical industry averages.
How to develop leadership for the new world order
Lindsay Hooper, executive director, education, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, sees social value as the future benchmark for performance.
Open Banking could contribute £1bn annually to the UK economy, but will it?
Trustpilot recently commissioned the Centre for Economic and Business Research to investigate further.
Blockchain, AI, machine learning: Do you want to know tech's best kept secret?
Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, Chief Technology Officer at Sage, raises the question of the mobile-only workplace.
Fight is on for the rock stars of artificial intelligence
Michael Drew, head of technology at Odgers Berndtson says PhD research scientists who know this stuff are even fewer in number today than their predecessor software engineers.
Gordon Ramsay can now insult your cooking with this new hilarious Amazon Alexa skill
"We all need to lighten up in the kitchen sometimes, don't we?" Chef Gordon Ramsay said in a statement.
Why IoT is the missing link in global weather infrastructure
Alex Kubicek, CEO and Founder, Understory, says IoT will solve the weather's worldwide observational gap problem.
Google loves computer algorithms and AI - but still has a major people problem
For a company that built its success on faceless algorithms to automate human tasks, this focus on people presents something of a conundrum.
This AI computer can read your mind
Scientists use Magnetic Resonance machine and machine-learning technology to probe deep into brain to identify song subjects are listening to.
Inside EyeEm, the photo fanatics using artificial intelligence that can beat Google
EyeEm co-founder opens up about AI-powered photo competitions: "We are really obsessed with ranking images. We are unique."
Cloudy with no chance of pain: Bring back job satisfaction with digital experience monitoring in the cloud
Antoine Leboyer, CEO of GSX, says being in the cloud requires a new set of metrics, information and governance.
Artificial intelligence now deciding if suspected criminals can walk free
Centuries-old process of releasing defendants on bail, long the province of judicial discretion, gets help courtesy of artificial intelligence.
Former Twitter executive Stephen Morse joins Finn.ai as head of global strategic accounts
Morse is based in New York City to focus on expansion of tier one strategic accounts
The future belongs to autonomous cars: what driverless driving will mean for you?
Igal Raichelgauz is CEO of Cortica which is pioneering 'unsupervised learning' methods that bring cars to life so they learn and react all on their own.
Deepfakes: The face-swap app that's creating seamless Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Gal Gadot porn
The app uses machine learning to superimpose faces onto adult films. But experts warn celebrities could sue users.
Is the financial market becoming a 'global brain'?
Henri Waelbroeck is VP, Director of Research for Portfolio Management & Trading Solutions, FactSet.
Transparent or opaque? The many faces of artificial intelligence
Dr. Rob Walker, Vice President, Decision Management & Analytics at Pegasystems, on the distinction between Transparent and Opaque AI.
Big Data: Commoditisation, protection and structural shifts – using data in 2018
2018 is the year companies must harness the use of bots and AI, alongside data to drive an improvement in customer experience.