> AI
Stephen Hawking Reddit AMA: Theoretical physicist talks AI, movies and women
Hawking says women are the biggest mystery to him.
Artificial intelligence cuts cancer drug development time in half
Cancer-fighting drug developed in seven years rather than the average of 14 by using AI.
Rat brain fragment simulated in supercomputer by Human Brain Project
Research marks first major result towards eventually simulating the human brain in a supercomputer.
Amelia virtual assistant brings AI close to 'near human cognitive capabilities'
IPsoft claims Amelia 2.0 will be the "harbinger" of AI systems surpassing human intelligence.
Artificial intelligence: Do not fear the robot revolution
We should embrace AI, not fear it, despite Stephen Hawking's warnings.
Artificial intelligence program ConceptNet matches 4-year-old child in IQ test
MIT researchers develop ConceptNet AI system capable of matching intelligence of young child.
Stephen Hawking: There is no God and computers will overtake humans in the next 100 years
Hawking has given his views on God, aliens and artificial intelligence.
Google DeepMind artificial intelligence can beat humans at 31 video games but can't master Pac-Man
DeepMind masters more video games as AI firm moves towards real-world applications.
Zoltan Istvan: On the US presidential campaign trail with the Transhumanist Party
Transhumanists make public demonstration to highlight existential risks technology poses.
New AI learns to play chess at international grandmaster level in 72 hours
Program learns from its mistakes, teaches itself to evaluate the board and adapt over time.
Artificial intelligence takes over Barbie's brain
Advanced artificial intelligence will deliver more than 8,000 lines of dialogue to new Hello Barbie.
Duer: Baidu launches AI assistant to rival Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Google Now
Duer artificial intelligence virtual assistant rolled out on Mobile Baidu app by 'China's Google'.
Artificial intelligence social network offers 'digital immortality' through virtual counterpart
ETER9 social network promises users immortality through AI clone able to post on their behalf.
The Cocktail Party Problem: AI puzzle solved by 3D-printed device
The device solves age-old problem by allowing computers to pick voices out from a crowd.
IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing could advance artificial intelligence by orders of magnitude
CTO of IBM Watson speaks of 'natural synergy' between cognitive computing and quantum computing.
Google throws open DeepDream software to create bizarre images
The software is part of a neural network project to make computers think like humans.
Hadrian the robot can put up 150 houses a year
Investment firm DMY Capital plans to buy the robotics company.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak: Humans will become the pets of robots - in a good way
Steve Wozniak has claimed that future robots will look after humans in the same way we look after pets
Computer invents new scientific theory without human help for the first time
One of biology's biggest mysteries has been solved independently by a computer.
Ray Kurzweil: Human brains could be connected to the cloud by 2030
AI pioneer predicts human thinking will be 'a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking'.
Google plans to analyse food photos to count calories
Google is developing software that counts calories by analysing pictures of food.
Robot wars will leave humans utterly defenceless warns AI expert
Is developing lethal autonomous weapons systems that kill without human intervention unethical?
Nick Bostrom: It would be a great tragedy if artificial superintelligence is never developed
Bostrom tells IBTimes UK that advanced AI creation is on the path to the 'best possible future'.
Baidu Minwa supercomputer AI trumps Google, Microsoft and humans at image recognition
Baidu claims its Minwa supercomputer is "the fastest supercomputer dedicated to deep learning".
Demis Hassabis: DeepMind is the Apollo Programme for artificial intelligence
Google-owned AI firm DeepMind wants to "solve intelligence and use it to solve everything else".
Memristor neural network chip enables computers to mimic the human brain
Memristors mimicking human brain could process speech, images and other sensory information.
AI expert Nick Bostrom: Machine super intelligence will have no off switch
One solution would be to contain any advanced AI within a virtual reality simulation from which it cannot escape
Hiroshi Ishiguro: Robots like mine will replace pop stars and Hollywood actors
Robot or human? Robotics pioneer believes humanoid robots could replace humans in public roles.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says self-driving cars could make human drivers illegal
Musk predicts that in 20 years self-driving vehicles will be ubiquitous and human drivers outlawed.
Stop the Robots: Protesters descend on SXSW to campaign against artificial intelligence
Stop the Robots is a new organisation concerned about uncontrolled growth of artificial intelligence and robots.