> aliens
British scientist says aliens live among us
The first British to enter space claims all sorts of life forms exist, we may not be able to see them.
Life on Mars: Alien fossils on Red Planet? NASA to examine
Mars 2020 rover to be launched in July 2020 in search of alien life on red planet.
Strange lights in the sky could be 'interstellar communication laser' or possibility of alien life, scientists say
Vanishing stars a key to unexplained astrophysical phenomena.
UFO sightings: NASA Discovery Space Shuttle image sparks alien conspiracy theory
A UFO hunter claims to present 100 percent proof of alien life.
Alien hunters to raid Australian Area 51 to rescue extra-terrestrial beings: Report
A facebook event invited alien enthusiasts to invade Australian Area 51.
Aliens could inhabit a different star system, reveals new study
Single star planets could be rare.
Aliens show support for nuclear disarmament; NASA forced to lie about ET existence: Lobbyist
Stephen Basset claims NASA is a 'victim' of government laws.
'American Horror Story" season 10 spoilers and airdate: What to expect from next season?
"AHS" season 10 is expected to be about aliens.
Origin of life on Earth and aliens might have occurred the same way: Study
Researchers suggest where to look for extra-terrestrial life.
Did the weather radar hint at alien invasion? Get the answer
Alien arrival was suspected when the North Texas radar showed green circles.
Was it really aliens in Area 51? CIA historian unravels mystery
Dr. Brent Geary breaks down the secrets of Area 51.
UFO sightings: Thai group claims alien visitors at a religious sight on a secluded hilltop
Religious aliens are visiting a hilltop in central Thailand.
Aliens may discover us very soon, here's why
Radio and television signals could be the reason why alien civilizations can find us in the future.
Why Harvard's Chief Astronomer Insists Alien Spaceship Is Zooming Past Jupiter's Orbit
Avi Loeb is not backing down on his proposal that the interstellar object 'Oumuamua could be an alien spaceship.
Astronomers may find aliens in the coming decades but how will they know their intentions?
In a recent Reddit AMA session, futurist Michio Kaku detailed how the first contact with alien life could turn out.
Will alien life discovery create panic among humans? Study shows we'd rather be 'upbeat about it'
Researchers have analysed news of potential alien life discovery to understand the reaction of the human race.
Nearly 100 new exoplanets have been discovered using Nasa's Kepler spacecraft in record haul
Thanks to Kepler, we now know that planets around other stars are the rule rather than the exception.
This is why humanity shouldn't open a message from aliens
"There is no compelling reason at all to assume benevolence, for example, that extraterrestrials are wise and kind due to their ancient civilisation's experience".
Nasa sending space submarine to explore Kraken Mare, the -184°C alien ocean on Titan
The ocean, named Kraken Mare, measures 400,000 sq km and is mainly composed of liquid methane at -184 degrees Celsius.
'British Roswell' UFO rediscovered at Science Museum after 59 years
Fragments of a miniature "flying saucer" that has been called the "British Roswell" have been rediscovered in a cigarette box at London's Science Museum.
Video: Strange artefacts trigger wild theories about aliens once visiting Earth
The video has been viewed more than 150,000 times and has got the internet divided about the existence of extra-terrestrials.
Hunt for alien life: Scientists have a new plan to find extraterrestrials on distant worlds
Researchers have identified a weird combination of gases that could not exist without the presence of alien life.
Scientists discover huge water deposits on Mars that could sustain manned missions to the planet
Understanding water ice on Mars is key to unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet, according to scientists.
Alien signals? Data sheds new light on one of the biggest astrophysical mysteries of recent times
An unexplained source of powerful cosmic radio bursts is originating from an "extreme environment" that is among the most magnetic regions of the universe ever observed.
A Mars rover could discover life on the Red Planet – here's what it would take to prove it
In just two years' time, two rovers launch for Mars to look for signs of life – Mars2020 by Nasa and ExoMars by the European Space Agency and Roscosmos.
'Oumuamua: What are the origins of the cigar-shaped alien 'asteroid'?
The object made headlines in 2017 when it was confirmed as the first interstellar visitor to our solar system.
Pentagon admits to operating top-secret surveillance programme - but was it looking for UFOs?
The US Department of Defense has issued denials that it was on the hunt for UFOs after details of a top secret programme emerged.
We may not be alone: The biggest UFO conspiracy theories ever
"Spacecraft" landing in Roswell, New Mexico, and strange lights in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk. People worldwide have a lot of conspiracy theories about flying saucer sightings.
Video: Mysterious glowing white balls spotted hovering over Mexico City baffle onlookers
The UFOs hovered in the sky for around 20 minutes before disappearing.
Nasa says icy worlds like Pluto may have hidden oceans that could host alien life
Researchers from the agency have found the factor that could have helped in maintaining subsurface water under these worlds.