> aliens
The subterranean ocean on Saturn's moon Enceladus could have evolved life
Astronomers think that the icy moon is one of the best candidates for finding life outside our planet.
What does alien life look like? Oxford scientists think the answer may surprise you
Sci-fi fans may believe aliens from outer space will resemble little green men or large monstrous creatures – but new research suggests they may be more like us than we realise.
For sale: Ranch with ever-present threat of combat with 'malevolent' aliens
Eccentric owner says alien visits are an all too common occurrence, and he's had to kill 18 extra-terrestrials with a samurai sword while living there.
US politician 'met with aliens who revealed the universe's secrets'
Interviews have resurfaced of politician Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera speaking about her experiences with aliens.
Titan and Enceladus: Saturn's moons are two of the most likely locations for extraterrestrial life
Following Cassini, Nasa needs a new mission to look for life on Saturn's mysterious moons.
Alien megastructure star KIC 8462852's bizarre dimming may be caused by dust
A new study indicates that an "uneven dust cloud" moving around the star may be causing the strange dimming, likely ruling out the alien megastructure theory.
Astrophysicists say mysterious cosmic rays hitting Earth started beyond our galaxy the Milky Way
Researchers at Pierre Auger Observatory found that the high-energy particles are extragalactic.
Could aliens spot the Earth? Tens of distant planets 'ideally placed' to watch our planet
Scientists estimate that around 9 known exoplanets are ideally placed to track the Earth's 'transit zones'.
15 mysterious radio emissions detected in alien life probe
Breakthrough Listen project was set up to search for signs of extraterrestrial life.
Tau Ceti: Our new home planet could be just 12 light years away
There are two planets in Tau Ceti's habitable zone.
'Miniature whale, mussel, or alien?' Video of creepy mystery river creature leaves people baffled
Footage shows odd creature poking its head out of the mudflat before submerging beneath the water again.
Meth mother killed her daughter, 6, with a shotgun 'to protect her from aliens'
Darla Elizabeth Hise said she killed daughter Abigail to 'send her to heaven', where it was safe.
'Alien' ice seen forming on Earth for the first time
Ice VII is a very rare structure usually only found in outer space.
Brexit-backing ghost, alien and UFO expert Rupert Matthews becomes Conservative MEP
Matthews, 56, has published more than 170 books in 20 different languages.
'Britain's mysterious X-Files' disclosed by UK Ministry of Defence but is there a UFO cover-up?
The National Archives has released 15 of the remaining 18 MoD UFO files.
Have aliens visited Earth? Space tycoon Robert Bigelow certainly thinks so
Mogul says he has invested more than any other American on alien and UFO research.
Proxima B: Our closest neighbouring exoplanet could host 'alien life' climate models suggest
Climate simulations have revealed Proxima B could have liquid water on its surface.
Mystery of comet 67P's oxygen solved – providing new tool in search for alien life
Molecular oxygen surrounding comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has long puzzled scientists.
Mars Curiosity Rover explores dark, mysterious Martian sand dunes
This is the first close-up study of sand dunes outside of Earth.
Brightness of Saturn's largest Moon Titan provides new tool to study mysterious exoplanets
Titan is brighter at twilight that in daylight, according to a new study.
New rocky planet discovered 39 light years away from our Sun lies in "habitable zone"
The exoplanet LHS 1140b is transiting the small cool star with a circular orbit.
Nasa has a big announcement to make about oceans on other planets – watch it live
Oceans of water on other planets could support extraterrestrial life.
Atmosphere rich in water detected around alien 'Earth-like' planet 39 light years away
The exoplanet, 39 light years away, appears to have an atmosphere rich in water and methane.
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees on aliens, parallel universes and the biggest threats to mankind
Rees says extraterrestrial life would either be far less advanced - or they will have developed full electronic intelligence.
Nasa astronaut Alan Bean: Aliens exist, but they haven't visited Earth yet
Bean says that if an advanced alien civilisation had been to Earth they would have made contact.
Do aliens exist? Life star Rebecca Ferguson believes 'there is life is out there'
Hollywood actor, who plays an astronaut in the sci-fi, says human would be ignorant to believe otherwise.
Volcanoes on exoplanets make potential for alien life even higher than we thought
Hydrogen spewed from volcanoes could help warm a planet in zones considered too cold for life to exist.
Mysterious celestial object could be an elusive brown dwarf or a free-floating planet
The object is not part of the AB Doradus moving group, as previous hypothesised.
Do Brexit and Trump show we're living in an advanced alien civilisation's computer simulation?
Current events could be a way for aliens to see how our society copes under huge pressure.
FRBs: Mystery space signals 'from solar beam powering advanced alien probe'
Scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics say alien origin 'worth contemplating'.