> aliens
Potentially habitable exoplanets: Why haven't we found aliens yet?
What are the conditions needed in order for complex life to emerge and evolve on other planets?
What would aliens on Trappist-1 exoplanets be like?
Scientist considers what sort of extraterrestrial life may emerge on newly discovered exoplanets.
There's a cute Google Doodle to mark Nasa's discovery of the Earth-like Trappist-1 planets
The planets could all contain water, Nasa scientists say, creating the conditions for alien life.
Trappist-1 exoplanets and alien life: 5 things you need to know
Scientists find solar system 40 light years away with seven potentially habitable planets.
Trappist-1 Nasa announcement: We could find alien life within 10 years on newly discovered planets
Scientists find seven potentially habitable exoplanets, three of which are strong contenders for extraterrestrial life.
Exoplanets: How many potentially habitable planets are there in the Milky Way?
Nasa to hold news conference on exoplanets discovery on Wednesday 22 February.
Nasa's Dawn finds key ingredients for alien life on dwarf planet Ceres
Organic compounds detected from interior of dwarf planet with spacecraft's visible and infrared mapping spectrometer.
Winston Churchill believed in aliens
British prime minister wrote about the potential for life on other planets in 1939.
FRBs: Search for mystery space signals in Milky Way with your mobile phone
Citizen scientists could help find fast radio bursts with a global network of cell phones.
Europa lander mission: Nasa plans to hunt for alien life on Jupiter's icy moon
Report sets out potential science value for sending a lander to Europa to look for past or present life.
Aliens? UFOs? Here are some scientific explanations for 'abductions'
Around 3.7 million Americans believe they have experienced alien abduction.
The hunt for alien life on nearby exoplanet Wolf 1061c has begun
Astronomer Stephen Kane analyses a potentially habitable planet just 14 light years away.
ESO and Breakthrough Initiatives to hunt for planets in our neighbouring solar system, Alpha Centauri
Very Large Telescope will be used to look at the star system and consider the best targets for exploration.
Source of mystery space signals tracked to dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away
Scientists pinpoint location of repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 – but they still don't know what's producing it.
Alien: Covenant VR Experience will see viewers face 'life and death' in 'horrifying environments'
Having launched The Martian VR Experience in 2016, 20th Century Fox deliver this space-set outing.
First Alien Covenant trailer teases a scary Prometheus sequel
Michael Fassbender will reprise his role as the android, David.
We could be living on Mars by 2030 – in this house
This Martian home would protect the first humans on the Red Planet from deadly cold and radiation.
Mysterious light spotted hovering over Gateway Arch in St Louis
A video showing a light suddenly appear in the night sky before vanishing and then reappearing has surfaced online.
20 'Earth-like' planets that could support alien life
A further 196 exoplanets found in the habitable zones of their solar systems.
Nasa's Kepler discovers 104 exoplanets including two rocky worlds that could host alien life
Round-up of exoplanets would help astronomers focus on 'gems' when James Webb telescope is launched in 2018.
FAST: China completes world's largest radio telescope – raising hopes of finding new worlds and alien life
Last panel of FAST telescope was fitted on 3 July and it will begin operations in September.
The search for extraterrestrials: How to tell the world you've discovered an alien civilisation
How would and should scientists announce the discovery of alien life to the world?
How could we build an invisibility cloak to hide Earth from an alien civilisation?
We could hide from any alien civilisations with lasers, but they might have the same idea too.
Watch live online: Stephen Hawking to announce mystery space exploration project Starshot
Watch livestream of Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner announcing latest space exploration initiative.
Hide from the aliens: Lasers can conceal the Earth from hostile extraterrestrial life
Using laser techniques could help us hide from aliens - or communicate with them.
MH370 conspiracies: Stolen by Russia or debris faked - what happened to missing plane?
A CNN survey said one in ten Americans believed "space aliens or beings from another dimension" were involved
Aliens are controlling the Sun says evidence from solar observatory claims UFO researcher
Russian researcher claims UFOs control the Sun's light and heat output, affecting the Earth's climate.
Scotland: Meteor lights up evening skies over Aberdeen and Inverness
Blue green flickering light with loud explosion shocks motorists and residents across Scotland.
Aliens visiting earth? Retired US naval officer claims seeing 'evidence' of UFO sightings
The former navy officer claims he was aware of the 1983 Rendlesham Forest incident.
Sixth man on the moon Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell dies aged 85
Mitchell believed that alien civilisations had visited the Earth and UFOs are real.