> aliens
UFO Spotted by Former Megadeth Drummer Nick Menza Over California Sky
The clip shows four distant light spots moving at a slow pace for some seconds before disappearing from the sky.
Prehistoric Aliens: 10,000-Year-Old Rock Paintings of Aliens and UFOs Discovered in Ancient Indian Cave
Indian archaeologists have claimed of discovering rare 'alien paintings' from the prehistoric period.
World UFO Day: Seti Announces Two New Ways to Eavesdrop on Aliens
Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence programme to hunt for alien life by analysing radio signals.
World UFO Day 2014: History, Origin, How to Celebrate and Funny UFO Memes
Fun ways to celebrate World UFO Day.
World UFO Day: Recent Sightings on Earth, Moon and Mars
UFO sightings are becoming more common than ever before – here are some of the most recent sightings.
UFO with 'Actual' Alien Captured by Google Earth Map
A Google Earth user claims to have spotted an Unidentified Flying Object with an alien over the sky of Montana.
UFO Spotted Again? UK Couple Spot Mysterious Flying Object While Sky Gazing for International Space Station
The Lincolnshire couple accidentally spotted an unidentified flying object while gazing the night sky.
UFOs Down Under: How Real Australian UFO Hunters Train Their Investigators
Australian UFO hunters have introduced in-house training and an exam to ensure members know how to deal with public.
Aliens Will be Found in Two Decades, Say SETI Scientists
The scientists claim that aliens exist and with adequate funding, we could find them within 20 years.
Nasa: Ancient Rock Art 'Might Have Been Made By Aliens' Not Human Civilisations
Nasa's Archaeology, Anthropology And Interstellar Communications suggests rock carvings were made by aliens.
UFOs that Crashed in China Could be Debris from Exploded Russian Satellite
High velocity fireball fell on Chinese villages, causing fear among local residents.
Nasa's Curiosity Rover Captures 'Cigar-Shaped' UFO Orbiting Mars
Keen UFO watcher Scott Waring has spotted a UFO orbiting Mars in Curiosity Rover photographs.
GTA 5 Online: GTA 5 1.12 Update Will Bring Casino, Classic Rock, Bigger Garage, Heists and Realistic Police?
Will Rockstar offer these items in the 1.12 update?
UFO Alert: Structures in Mercury Nasa Photos Evidence of Alien Life?
UFO Sightings Daily author Scott Waring thinks there is life on Mercury.
US Scientist: 'Aliens Will be Found by 2040'
Astronomer at SETI says humans may come into contact with the extraterrestrials in 25 years.
Katy Perry Wants to Discuss Aliens With the President
Perry wants to discuss aliens with Obama, she says.
Heathrow Jet Has 'Close Encounter' with UFO
Airline pilot describes terrifying moment he ducked to avoid unexplained object at 34,000 feet.
Galaxy 11: World's Ultimate Football Team Face Off Aliens in Fantasy-Inspired Campaign [VIDEO]
Lionel Messi, Mario Gotze and Cristiano Ronaldo figure in Samsung Galaxy 11 dream team.
UFO Department Reinstated by Peru's Air Force [VIDEO]
A department researching anomalous aerial phenomena - UFOs - is being revived by the South American country's armed forces.
Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga to Play Aliens in MIB III
Pop stars Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga will play small roles in the movie.
Rihanna's 'Battleship' Sails Into Town, Photos from Premiere
Rihanna's 'Battleship' Sails Into Town, Photos from Premiere
Rihanna's Childhood Hobby Was Spotting Aliens and UFOs?
Rihanna's Childhood Hobby Was Spotting Aliens and UFOs?
Drought-Hit Mars May be Dead [PHOTOS]
A team of scientists, led by Dr Tom Pike of the Imperial college of London, who analysed individual particles of Martian soil, found out that the planet has been suffering from a super drought for millions of years making it hostile to any form of life to survive.