> Anonymous
Anonymous Hacker-Turned-Informant Sabu Sentenced to One Year's Probation
Hector Monsegur sentenced to time served and one year's probation for cyber-attacks on Sony, Visa and Mastercard.
Sabu the Super-Snitch Likely to Avoid Jail for 'Extraordinary' Cooperation
Hacker Hector Monsegur (aka Sabu) set to avoid jail for "extraordinary cooperation" in helping identify fellow hackers
What is Darkcoin? Bitcoin's Secretive Cousin Explained
The prolific rise of darkcoin, the first truly anonymous altcoin, has seen it become the fourth largest cryptocurrency
Wikileaks to Reveal Name of Mystery Country Having All Phone Calls Tapped by NSA
Anti-secrecy organisation to disclose name of tapped country despite warnings of deaths from Glenn Greenwald.
Anonymous #PayPal14 Campaign Spreads Pirated Copy of Glenn Greenwald's Book on Snowden
Anonymous promotes pirated copy of Glenn Greenwald's book in protest at involvement with eBay founder Pierre Omidyar
Prevent the Government From Spying on You With URME's Anti-Surveillance Prosthetics Mask
In light of Edward Snowden's spying revelations, Leo Selvaggio wants you to wear his face in public in order to hide from CCTV cameras.
The Fight for @YourAnonNews and the Missing $35,000
One of the most prominent voices within Anonymous has been undermined by in-fighting and a missing $35,000.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Dogecoin on Twitch; Living on Bitcoin & Darkcoin rises
Dogecoin looks to capture Twitch audience, as darkcoin rises and one reporter tries living on bitcoin again.
Hacker-Turned-FBI Informant Sabu Has Sentencing Postponed for Seventh Time
Former Anonymous hacker Hector Monsegur (aka Sabu) has sentencing postponed again suggesting his FBI work continues.
Anonymous Declares War on Cambodian Government Following Arrests
Hacktivist collective Anonymous warns Cambodian government to expect more attacks after two members were arrested.
Anonymous Member Facing 440 Years in Jail for Cyber-Stalking and Hacking
Huge sentence looms for Fidel Salinas on 44 charges including cyber-stalking female victim
Anonymous' Airchat Aims to Allow Communication Without Needing Phone or Internet Access
Anonymous is testing a free communications tool that doesn't require phone or internet access
What is 4chan? A Look at the Dark Side of the Internet
Internet bullying and slang terms such as memes, trolling and Anonymous born from 4chan
Anonymous OpIsrael Campaign Targets Hundreds of Israeli Websites
Anonymous has launched a coordinated cyber-attack against websites in Israel in support of the people of Gaza.
Brad Pitt to Produce Film Based on Anonymous vs Steubenville Rape Case
Plan B production company, fresh from its 12 Years a Slave success, focuses on hacktivists for next movie
Anonymous-Deadmau5 April Fools' Joke Branded 'Lame and Irresponsible'
An elaborate April Fools' joke perpetrated by Anonymous and Deadmau5, has been branded "lame and irresponsible".
Deadmau5 Twitter and Facebook Accounts Hacked by Anonymous
The social media accounts and possibly the phone of music producer Deadmau5 have been hacked by Anonymous.
Snowden Documents Reveal WikiLeaks Targeted by NSA and GCHQ
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals extent of agency surveillance.
Sochi Olympics 2014: Cyber Threats Mean 'There is No Privacy at Winter Olympics'
With hacktivists, cyber-criminals and Russian authorities, can anyone at Sochi 2014 expect privacy?
Jake Davis: Following Latest GCHQ Revelations, Who are the Real Criminals?
Following revelations that GCHQ used DDoS attacks against Anonymous, former LulzSec member Jake Davis asks "Who at the real criminals?"
UK Government Used 'Rolling Thunder' DDoS Attacks Against Anonymous, LulzSec and Syrian Electronic Army
The UK's spy agency GCHQ has used DDoS attacks against hacktivist groups to disrupt their communications.
Anonymous Slovenia Claims FBI Hacked
Anonymous Slovenia claims it has hacked the FBI, posting email address on Pastebin.
Sentencing of LulzSec Hacker Sabu Delayed Once Again
The sentencing of infamous LulzSec hacker-turned-FBI informant Hector Monsegur has been delayed once again.
LulzSec's Sabu to be Sentenced in New York
FBI's Anonymous informer Hector Xavier Monsegur (aka Sabu) faces sentencing.
Hackers Falsely Claim Responsibility for Dropbox Outage to Honour Aaron Swartz
Hackers falsely claimed responsibility for a Dropbox outage which was actually caused by a routine server upgrade.
Cyber Threats 2013: From Snowden to the Hunt for Red October
We look back on a year which has seen the world's view of how the internet works changed forever thanks to Edward Snowden.
Anonymous: Scientology's Recognition as Religion Helps the 'Cult's Craving for Legitimacy'
Following its recognition as a religion in the UK, members of Anonymous plan protest march against Scientology.
eBay Founder Pierre Omidyar Calls for Leniency for 'PayPal 14'
The founder of eBay has called for leniency towards 14 members of Anonymous accused of a carrying out a cyberattack on PayPal.
Miley Cyrus vs Edward Snowden: Hackers Fight to Rig Time's Person of the Year Poll
Hackers, Anonymous and 4Chan are all vying to get their choice to the top of Time's Person of the Year vote.
Bitcoin Value Passes $1,000 for First Time
Bitcoin value passes landmark value as crypto-currency gains wider international acceptance.