42 candidates are competing in the grand final of the Cyber Security Challenge in London
Anonymous account says it has no affiliation with #OpParis and #OpIsis campaigns.
Islamic State had used Telegram to communicate and spread propaganda on a massive scale.
Isis uses dark web browser Tor to publish propaganda after sustained campaign by Anonymous.
Activist group Anonymous has asked Twitter users how best to take revenge against hashtags used by Isis.
Hacktivist collective will not stop its cyber campaign until Isis is destroyed for good, hacker says.
David Videcette tells IBTimes UK police cuts will see officers struggling to respond to terrorist attacks
Hacktivist group Anonymous is encouraging people to join its OpParis campaign against Islamic State.
Isis has dismissed the cyberwar campaign waged by the hacktivist collective Anonymous.
Hacktivist group already reports terror group's sympathisers on Twitter to security agencies in US and Europe.
Some anarchists are plotting to abduct police officers and cover them in paint.
Many wore the Guy Fawkes mask that has become synonymous with the Anonymous activist group.
List includes names, aliases and social media profiles of people with links to white supremacist group.
Some see them as protest defenders, others as a toxic influence and easy target for police.
The Million Mask March organised by Anonymous UK will take place in London on 5 November.
Republican Senator Dan Coats and Mayor Jim Gray of Lexington, Kentucky, deny any links to the KKK.
Anonymous hacktivists publish list of politicians from southern states allegedly affiliated with KKK as part of #OpKKK.
Anonymous publishes dozens of contact details allegedly belonging to Ku Klux Klan members.
Guy 'Guido' Fawkes' image has been adopted by Anonymous, Occupy and global anti-government protesters.
Hacktivists plan to mark 1st anniversary of Ferguson protests by doxing members of the Ku Klux Klan
EXCLUSIVE: IBTimes UK investigation reveals Isis has more than 50 channels on Telegram messaging platform.
Matthew Keys faces 10 years in prison for giving login details to associate, who defaced a 2010 news story