The Department of Homeland security said the rule, announced on 21 January, would be applicable immediately.
US president pledges 'substantial' aid and backs German chancellor's handling of migrant crisis.
Despite achieving less likes, Narendra Modi has been listed as the 'most effective' world leader on Facebook.
Five million people living and working illegally could be granted the right to live and work in the country
The West saves its tears for Isis terror attacks and ignores those Assad is targeting.
Conservative firebrand who cites Ronald Reagan as his political hero has Trump in his sights.
The US singer and actress has said that the crisis is a 'tragedy of staggering proportion'.
Trump's comments came the day after he and Ted Cruz ended a longstanding truce.
Obama was delivering his last State of the Union speech to Congress before leaving office next year.
Read Barack Obama's final state of the union address as US President.
The president gave his final address in front of a joint session of Congress on 12 January.
Obama's speech will branch out from those made in his previous seven years in office.
Lamar, 28, features in new democratic party PSA titled Pay It Forward.
Shares of gun manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Sturm Ruger & Company increased recently by double digits.
Obama's speech is expected to be less policy heavy and more people-oriented
Earlier in January, Barack Obama ordered stricter gun rules that he can impose without Congress.
North Dakota resident Scott Stockert was arrested on 6 January for violating District of Columbia gun laws.
Ted Cruz cited arrest in Houston and Sacramento of two men from Middle East as a warning.
The Republican presidential frontrunner, however, said he disagrees with Obama's gun control measures.
Tantaros said Obama's podium should be checked for raw onions or No More Tears.
Obama shows 'anger' about Sandy Hook victims while unveiling plans to tighten gun laws.
The candidate criticised the president during an interview with Fox News.