They may have been discussing pregnancy care but it was strictly men only.
President's camp fears opposition of House Freedom Caucus could stymie legislation.
The current president sent a measured message of sympathy, focusing on Theresa May.
Obamacare has saved 100,000 lives in seven years former president claims as it faces Republican threat.
Fact-check list counts 14 false Trump statements during a Time magazine interview.
President retweeted a conspiracy theory website and right-wing pundit backing his allegations.
Senior Democrat fiercely criticises 'profound irregularity' of committee chairman's behaviour.
Former vice president says if you lined up all the millionaires in America and said ''is this fair?'' they'd say ''no''.
This batch of refugees is in addition to the 13,750 individuals that Australia resettles every year.
FBI director says 'no information' supports President's Trump's original claims Obama spied on him.
The planned reduction is taking place as President Trump continues to vouch for expansion of US' nuclear arsenal.
Republican Representative Devin Nunes: If you take the president literally, it didn't happen.
President revisits accusation that predecessor bugged him at Trump Tower during election campaign but turns it into a joke during awkward meeting with German chancellor.
Republican is first party ally to suggest president says sorry for unverified accusations of bugging Trump Tower.
Donald Trump told Tucker Carlson on Fox News that he loves to read before rambling on about Mexico.
The British intelligence agency issued a rare public statement on US wiretapping allegations.
Corporate account seemingly hacked after tweet is sent ridiculing president's "tiny hands".
Former president is expected to spend the next couple of weeks at a resort previously bought by Marlon Brando.
The president said he expected "some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks".
Congress refutes President Donald Trump's claim he was under the surveillance of President Obama.
"I would have loved to be the president who presided over the end of cancer as we know it," Biden said.
Democrat leader Charles Schumer warns that speedy exits interrupt ongoing cases and hinder justice.