> Blockchain
Consensus 2016: Bitcoin takes governance lessons from Ethereum
Governance of Bitcoin was riding high with news that Dr Craig Wright has reiterated that he is Satoshi Nakamoto.
The Business Blockchain by William Mougayar - Review
The Business Blockchain by William Mougayar, featuring foreword by Vitalik Buterin is forthcoming from Wiley.
DigixGlobal adds Ethereum-based DGD tokens to Hong Kong's Gatecoin and China's Yunbi exchanges
DigixGlobal's DigixDAO DGD tokens are being added to fully regulated Gatecoin from 29 April.
Digital Currency Group adds powerhouse of new investors
Barry Silbert's DCG has added Western Union to its investment team and funds run by Prudential and Foxconn.
Credits offers Blockchain-as-a-Service to UK public sector organisations
Credits is partnering with Skyscape Cloud Services Limited, to deliver Blockchain-as-a-Service to UK public sector orgs.
Russia's securities depository tests blockchain-based e-proxy voting
The National Settlement Depository prototype is based on the NXT distributed cryptographic platform.
The subliminal link between the Soviet Union, the 2008 financial crash and blockchains
Clearmatics and OpenGamma demonstrated a proof-of-concept real-time FX swaps using blockchain technology.
Nasdaq shares hands-on experience of capital markets and blockchains
Consult Hyperion's David Birch quizzed Nasdaq's Fredrik Voss at European Blockchain Congress in London.
Infosys launches EdgeVerve blockchain-based banking platform
EdgeVerve Systems, a product subsidiary of Infosys, designed the EdgeVerve Blockchain Framework.
Stellar to give away 19 billion lumens to bitcoin holders
The lumens will be given out in several rounds starting on 5 July, proportionate to how much bitcoin people hold.
Darpa wants to build encrypted messaging app for the US Department of Defense using Blockchain
Darpa wants to use bitcoin blockchain technology to build a secure messaging platform that can't be hacked.
Gem launches global healthcare blockchain and partners with Philips
Gem Health will combine secure patient IDs and data records with medical services and supply chain optimisation.
Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin asks if Google, Apple and Facebook are threatened by blockchains
The Gafa companies (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) have been conspicuously silent on blockchain.
How the Ethereum blockchain is helping fund a cure for HIV
The HEAL Alliance which is the non-profit behind HEAL Bond on Blockchain hopes it will raise $10bn.
BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott goes on sale 10 May
Don Tapscott is the author of 15 books about the digital revolution; Alex is CEO of North West Passage Ventures.
BTCC Bitcoin mining pool launches rapid connection for customers in seven continents
BTCC Pool was launched in October 2014, operates on a pay-per-share model, guaranteeing miners a return.
NGO collective Start Network testing rapid response humanitarian crisis funding using blockchain
Pilot is being done with NYC-based decentralisation design studio ConsenSys using the Ethereum blockchain.
EDCAB leads European Parliamentary roundtables as MEPs mull Bitcoin clampdown
EDCAB is the only independent European public policy platform for virtual currencies and distributed ledger tech.
SWIFT and Accenture provide banks with blockchain 'blueprint'
SWIFT looked at the gaps in existing DLT solutions and highlighted eight key areas.
Ethereum, R3 and Digital Asset Holdings get real as London busts the blockchain hype
Heavyweights of blockchain gathered at the SWIFT Business Forum and Tomorrow's Transactions 2016 to bust the hype.
Barclays' Smart Contract Templates stars in first ever public demo of R3's Corda platform
The first public demo of R3's Corda took place before an audience of over 800 people at The O2 in London.
EtherEx looks beyond cryptocurrency trading towards a tokenised future on Ethereum
EtherEx has floated crowd sale and ETX token idea to address gas imbalance and drive development of the project.
Ethereum-based system of CV smart contracts to save recruiters time and money
APPII, a UK based technology start-up, has built the app with London-based Applied Blockchain.
Bitcoin legal experts launch European Digital Currency & Blockchain Technology Forum
EDCAB founder Siân Jones has an unparalleled legal understanding around cryptocurrency.
Estonia's LHV Bank and ChromaWay win Innovation Award 2016 for blockchain app
Cuber uses the coloured coins protocol pioneered by ChromaWay to transact tokens representing euros.
WAVES raises $2m in 24 hours in bid to take on permissioned blockchains
The WAVES open blockchain crowdfund briefly DDoS'd its servers as money poured in.
Airbnb has no plans to move into blockchain
An article about Airbnb hiring Bitcoin engineers from ChangTip raised speculation about the firm's blockchain plans.
How Bitcoin will smash Donald Trump's Mexican remittance wall
Eco-friendly Bitcoin mining company Genesis Mining is known for raising crypto awareness with poster campaigns.
Overstock's Patrick Byrne: I feel the blockchain revolution is my victory
Byrne's t0 project is the only effort that has brought the spirit of Bitcoin and real decentralisation to capital markets.
Power to the people - the blockchain's consumer energy revolution begins in New York
TransActive Grid, a joint-venture between ConsenSys and L03 Energy, goes live in New York with first paid transaction.