> Charlie Hebdo
Charlie Hebdo
UK police increase security in Jewish areas amid 'heightened concern' of attack
Police to review patrolling following terror attacks in Paris which four Jewish people were killed.
Paris massacre: John Kerry apologises to French government for failing to attend unity march
Kerry meets with President Hollande in show of support after Paris shootings.
France: Hostage siege at post office in Paris suburb of Colombes ends as gunman surrenders
Gunman holding hostages at post office north-west of the French capital surrenders to police.
Charlie Hebdo: Violent protests outside French consulate in Pakistan over Mohammed cartoons
Early reports suggested several people, including a photographer, have been injured in the clashes.
French media websites knocked offline in suspected cyber-attack
The websites of media publications including Le Parisian, Marianne, 20 Minutes and L'Express are offline due to suspected cyber-attack.
#JeSuisCharlie creator seeks copyright to protect slogan
Graphic designer behind #JeSuisCharlie hashtag seeks legal means to prevent commercialization of the slogan.
Charlie Hebdo released as iPhone, Android and Windows Phone app to meet massive demand
Charlie Hebdo 'survivors' edition' can be downloaded as an application for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone
Belgium Verviers Raid: Terror suspects were planning 'Charlie Hebdo style' attack 'imminently'
Police have successfully averted an attack in Verviers after targetting a terrorist cell.
San Francisco: Outrage as anti-Islam ads linking Muslims to Nazis appear on buses
The group behind the ads claim to act against Jihad and Islamic supremacism.
Prominent US Muslim leader calls for unity
The head of a leading US-based Islamic organisation called for unity and a sense of tolerance on Wednesday (January 14) on the day the first edition of Charlie Hebdo was released after an attack by Islamist gunmen.
Paris gunmen Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly 'used child porn sites for covert communication'
Police reportedly found paedo-pornographic material on computers of Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly.
Paris massacre: Amedy Coulibaly's Madrid visit hints at Spanish terrorist cell connection
Paris gunman travelled to Madrid before killing policewoman and four Jewish people.
Charlie Hebdo Paris massacre: Air France distributes 20,000 copies of controversial magazine to passengers
Passengers flying out of airports in capital have chance of getting issue in departure lounges.
Paris terror attacks: Je suis Charlie trademark application withdrawn after backlash
The slogan was created to show solidarity with the journalists killed in the Paris shootings.
Paris terror attacks: French President Francois Hollande says Charlie Hebdo is 'reborn'
Francois Hollande says: "You can murder men and women but you can never kill their ideas."
Charlie Hebdo Paris massacre: Policewoman targeted by hit-and-run driver outside Francois Hollande's presidential residence
BREAKING: Motorist injures policewoman after driving towards her outside the Elysee Palace
Charlie Hebdo founder: Slain editor Charb 'dragged' team to their deaths
Henri Roussel criticizes Charlie Hebdo's slain editor Charb for being 'stubborn' and overdoing provocative cartoons.
Charlie Hebdo: France deploys flagship aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle against Isis
Francois Hollande says Paris shootings justify boosting military effort against Amedy Coulibaly's terror group.
Charlie Hebdo: France cracks down on hate speech with 70 probes after Mohammed cover
Comedian Dieudonne and four men who shouted "death to Charlie" outside kosher bakery among arrested.
Cashing in on Charlie Hebdo terror attack: Merchants and marketing firms seek profit from massacre
Marketing firms and merchandisers have been quick to capitalise on the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks in Paris
State of Hate report: 'Pool of hostility' threatens to revive declining far-right extremism
Extremist groups suffering but racism and islamophobia could be exploited.
Je Suis Charlie: London cafe owner receives death threats over sign outside Brick Lane shop
Adel Defilaux put the sign up outside The Antishop in Brick Lane to support France.
Anonymous #OpCharlieHebdo campaign takes down 200 suspected jihadist Twitter accounts
Around 200 'terrorism-related' twitter accounts have been suspended following Anonymous campaign.
French Isis militants 'bless' Paris attacks in video and warn 'the caliphate will come to Europe'
IS releases new video from French fighters following Paris attacks, threatening Europe and US.
Charlie Hebdo issue sold out in France: Long queues and scuffles at news kiosks
Charlie Hebdo's new issue sells out before dawn around France, with scuffles at kiosks in Paris.
Charlie Hebdo Paris massacre: Al-Qaeda in Yemen leader al-Ansi claims responsibility
He said that France belongs to the "party of Satan" and warned of more "tragedies and terror".
Charlie Hebdo issues on eBay selling for more than £5,000
Issues of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo selling for thousands of pounds on eBay.
Ukip leader Farage on Charlie Hebdo: Our 'moral cowardice' promotes Sharia law
Speaking to Fox News on Charlie Hebdo, Ukip leader says there are no-go zones in most big French cities.
#JesuisKouachi: Charlie Hebdo terrorists' fan club enrages French Jews
The Twitter account @jesuiskouachi has since been suspended.
Charlie Hebdo Prophet Mohammed cover: The media debate on whether to publish new cartoon that will offend some Muslims
Most British media didn't publish latest Charlie Hebdo cover despite #JeSuisCharlie campaign.