> child abuse
child abuse
NSPCC: Over 8,000 Under-18s Accused of Sexual Offences Against Children
NSPCC report show thousands of children were accused of sexually assaulting children in two years.
UN Expresses Concern over UK's Handling of Victims of Voodoo and Sexual Abuse
UN watchdog asks Britain to combat trafficking of African children for bizarre rituals.
India: Seven Held for Dismembering Baby to Bring Treasure Trove
Sacrifice, allegedly driven by Islamic belief, took place in south Indian state of Karnataka.
Child Sex Pimp Raymond Hawthorne Jailed as Police Slam 'Repugnant Man'
Boy was groomed on social media and then hired out for sex by Hawthorne
India: Children at Shelter Home Sexually Abused, 'Forced to Eat Dog Excreta'
The inmates were raped and ordered to perform sexual acts on each other.
Wife of Convicted Paedophile Michael Hopkins Jailed After Misleading Police Investigation
Wendy Hopkins jailed for a year after being found guilty of perverting course of justice.
Nuns Take On Brazil's Child Sex Gangs in Run-up to World Cup
A network of religious orders against human trafficking says the World Cup in Brazil will encourage an increase in child prostitution.
Identifying Paedophiles Through X-Ray Could Soon be Possible
A new research gives hope to identify paedophiles through brain scan.
Satan Cult Foster Parents Locked Girl in Garage with Dog and Monkey for Nine Years
Buenos Aires members of Santa Muerte cult beat, starved and locked up girl in squalid conditions
South Africa: Baby Girl 'Murdered for Muti' Found Beheaded With Face Taken
Beheaded toddler is believed to be a case of Muti murder.
California Women Arrested After Children 'Abused and Kept in Chains'
Hardened police officers shocked by couple's maltreatment of children aged eight, five and three.
Saudi Preacher Fayhan al-Ghamdi Released After Raping and Killing Daughter Because he 'Doubted her Virginity'
Al-Ghamdi was sentenced to eight years in prison for raping and killing five-year-old daughter Lama; he claims he 'doubted her virginity'.
Boris Johnson: Muslim Extremist Parents are 'Child Abusers'
Mayor of London calls for children at risk of 'crazy stuff' hate indoctrination to be taken into care
Russia Calls To Ban Child Beauty Pageants: Should We Do The Same?
Russian parents or guardians who put their children in beauty contests could face fines.
Irish Paedophile Teacher Attended Donegal School Sports Day
Former teacher who pleaded guilty to two underage sex assaults posed for photos at sporting event.
Abortion in the UK: Why Women Deserve Impartial Advice
Undercover Daily Telegraph reporters told by unregulated counsellors abortion could increase chance of breast cancer.
Former Headteacher at Nick Clegg's Caldicott School Jailed for Child Sex
Peter Wright sentenced to eight years for historical sex crimes against children at Buckinghamshire prep school.
Dylan Farrow Repeats Allegations of Child Sex Abuse Against Woody Allen [VIDEO]
In an open letter, Dylan Farrow renews claims that she was sexually molested by film director Woody Allen when she was seven years old.
Sexual Harassment of Children: Why UK Needs Better Sex Education
With one in three girls sexually harassed, Labour proposes amendment to Children and Families Bill.
1,000 Teachers Accused of Sex with Pupils in Last Five Years
Over 959 teachers and staff accused of having a relationship with a pupil in the past five years.
Reported Sex Crimes Against Children Have Risen in England and Wales
Recorded sex crimes against children under 11 in England and Wales went up by 16% last year.
Northern Ireland: Cruel Nuns of Sisters of Nazareth First Focus of UK's Biggest Child Abuse Inquiry
The Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry will start to investigate 434 claims of abuse in children's homes and juvenile justice centres.
Westminster Paedophile Ring 'Abused Children During Drug-Fuelled Sex Parties'
Alleged victim accuses senior politicians of sexual abuse during the 1980s.
Londoner Accused of Ordering Torture of Baby Via Skype
London accountant allegedly used internet to direct months of abuse against mistress's child in Norway.
Criminals Could be Identified 'Through Reflection in Victims' Eyes'
Zooming in on high-res photos of pupils could provide police with vital clues.
Paedophile Stalked then Raped Teenager at Kent Leisure Centre
John Batholomew targeted autistic boy at Walnuts Leisure Centre in Orpington.
'Baby Girl Living in Car Boot from Birth' Shocks France
Toddler from Terrasson in France may never have seen daylight locked in car boot.
Rising Trend of Live Streaming Child Abuse of 'Particular Concern'
A report looking at current trends in production of child abuse material highlights live streaming as a particular problem.
Figures Reveal Shocking Child Abuse
A child was sexually attacked every 20 minutes in 2011 according to recent figures.