Scientists are scrambling to to save some of the environmental data at risk of being taken down.
Badlands National Park posted climate change science on Twitter but tweets were then removed.
There are less than 100 specimens each left of these critically endangered species.
The more specific and targeted a 'psychological inoculation' is, the better it works, just like in medicine.
The extinction of ancient Australia's megafauna has been heatedly debated among scientists for years.
Ocean temperatures are similar to those in the last interglacial period, when sea levels were much higher.
Perry reverses stance on climate change but doesn't want to raise the cost of energy.
The valleys allow more circulation of warmer water underneath the ice sheet, which could accelerate melting.
Mount Tambora eruption of 1815 was the largest volcanic eruption in historical records.
A strong El Niño effect contributed to last year's record-breaking temperatures.
Wasp populations are booming as springs become warmer and drier, a new study finds.
Shamal winds and unprecedented aridity was responsible for enormous storm.
Max Holmes from the Woods Hole Research Centre explains what thawing permafrost means for the environment and people living in these regions
The Climate Change book will be released on 26 January.
The shrimp's alien-like appearance is due to a 'third eye'.
Barack Obama thinks the green energy movement is unstoppable, but sustainability experts are not so sure.
The Secretary of State nominee clashed with a GOP senator as environmental activists were escorted out.
The enormous Cuvette Centrale peatland holds about 30 billion tonnes of carbon.
Cold-loving birds are losing their habitats, but some butterflies are thriving.
El Niño and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation also lead to a build-up of toxins in shellfish.
Barack Obama has a good reputation when it comes to the environment, but he left quite a few loose ends.
Axing of £1bn green tech fund shows government 'disregarded their own promises,' opposition says.