DJ to stand trial over allegations relating to 11 females aged between 15 and 29.
ECHR's verdict could provide decisive, peaceful resolution to Europe's longest-running armed conflict, says Asier Odriozola.
US District judge ruled former Jefferies trader must face criminal charges for defrauding government by falsifying prices of mortgage securities.
British court hears how Serious Fraud Office could see another 22 people face rigging charges
US prosecutors claim ex-employees indulged in expensive wine, cruises and trips to Las Vegas.
Pupils who witnessed Reno shooting tell their story while dead teacher named as Michael Landsberry.
Former JPM Chief Investment Office chief is appealing against the Financial Conduct Authority's findings
JPM's chief executive says embattled bank facing £13bn settlement still 'doing great stuff'.
Larissa court remands in custody Christos Salis and wife over kidnapping of unknown blonde girl.
Denying Basque militants right to "earn" shorter jail sentences against international law, says European Court of Human Rights
Self-confessed racist admits murdering Mohammed Saleem and causing 'terrorism related' mosque explosion
Former Smiths singer's long-awaited memoir infuriates and surprises critics in (roughly) equal measure.
Bully-Banks survey shows majority were sold products in 2006, 2007, 2008 but Limitations Act is six years
I Just Love Human Beings claims Manchester miserabilist
JPM's chief executive is urging watchdogs to end the criminal probe into mortgage related issues
Moscow to order service providers to install monitoring devices capable of collecting personal data.
Andres Conteris sticks tube up nose in aid of terror suspects in Guantánamo Bay.
Lawson has stated that feminism ultimately made them feel guilty about being by the stove.
Child hospitalised in Glasgow with serious facial injuries after being mauled by two bulldogs.
Reports say JPM has struck deal with US Department of Justice but remains open to criminal liability.
Unnamed girl smuggled into Britain from Somalia for organised gangs to harvest her organs for transplant operations.
Expulsion could leave former premier open to fresh criminal investigations.