Federal authorities nearing settlements over JPMorgan's involvement in Madoff case.
Bob and Harvey Weinstein are suing Time Warner for refusing to pay for the second and third films
Australia's high court rules federal Marriage Act takes precedence over other laws and holds recent unions illegal.
Embattled lender admits to 'deeply regretting these failings'
Australian children deformed by decades of incest found in scenes akin to Deliverance movie.
Prominent gay rights activist says 'British colonial-era law remains in force'.
Zavvi is threatening legal action against customers who were sent PlayStation Vita consoles in error.
India's top court declares homosexuality illegal, upholding 153-year old colonial law.
Former Stoke manager Mick Mills accused of 'turning blind eye' to punishment rituals.
Louisa Hodkin wins appeal to be allowed to marry Alessandro Calcioli in Central London Church of Scientology
Spy agencies piggyback on cookies to track potential suspects, claim Snowden documents.
India's highest court makes consensual sexual encounter between adults of same gender illegal.
John Kerry and Catherine Ashton condemn police action as security forces deny dispersing protest camp.
The Prime minister said he is a fan of celebrity cook Nigella Lawson
Animal rights group fails in attempt to grant chimpanzees 'legal person' status in New York.
Jordan breaks promise to foreign secretary William Hague that judges will be civilians.
Walmart shopper handcuffed, arrested and banned for life after ad-match request.
Twitter racism and threats aimed at TalkSport DJ continue after Collymore called police.
Somali rape victim confined to home for six months while journalists who reported the story are jailed.
International Humanist and Ethical Union report says laws curb atheists' freedom.
Pattinson and Stewart will spend holidays together with his family.
Charles Ó Ceallaigh believes that Nelson Mandela's greatest legacy will be to challenge us all to be better.