Celebrity cook denies daily drug use and says Saatchi claim is part of plot to destroy her.
Tan claimed RBS made him "scapegoat" for bosses when he was fired over alleged attempted Libor manipulation.
Engineer who led Gulf of Mexico oilwell capping operation hid scale of disaster, prosecutors allege.
Cook denies drugs claims of Francesca and Elisabetta Grillo.
Contract ban condemned as former BP engineer Kurt Mix's trial begins.
Ted Terry accused of headbutting victim and shouting racist abuse outside City of London pub.
Katana Kitsao Gona pleads guilty to bestiality and is sentenced to 10 years.
UK government files 'amicus brief' in Texas district court to support BP appeal against EPA embargo on US public contracts.
Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri bring first case against Poland at ECHR.
HTC has been banned from selling its HTC One mini smartphone in the UK after infringing a Nokia patent.
Lawyers say Essex County Council tricked detained Italian mother and took baby without permission.
French government says that private firms will be allowed to protect French shipping from pirate attacks off Africa.
Hong Kong court of appeal denies Nancy Kissel retrial for murder of husband in 2005.
Kwiatkowski sentenced to 39 years for infecting patients with hepatitis C.
Nonhuman Rights Project wants to save chimps from being exhibits in New York.
S&P credit ratings agency says US Justice Department bringing unworkable litigation against it.
Moscow court convicts former soloist at the Bolshoi over acid attack.
Klaus Andres admitted killing wife and dissolving her body with 60 litres of acid in a wheelie bin.
Ruling overturns US District Judge Carl Barbier's decision, upholding settlement administrator's evaluation methods.
As Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra vows not to quit, police refuse to use force against demonstrators in Bangkok.
Aimee West and Lyn Rigby face Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale in court.
Reynolds made sexual advances to Georgia but she had told him no.