> data breach
data breach
CEO of uKnowKids defends calling researcher "a hacker" for exposing security flaw on website
Chris Vickery found millions of texts and images from child profiles were stored with "no level of authentication".
VTech hack: Legal experts slam toy company for shirking UK law as EU data protection shake-up looms
With GDPR on the horizon, VTech will soon have a financial incentive for protecting data.
Twitter bug could have exposed nearly 10,000 users' phone numbers and email addresses
Twitter has fixed the bug and notified user accounts that were affected.
Washington DC council accidentally uploads private data on 12,000 special needs schoolchildren
A DC council employee uploaded student data to a public Dropbox folder where it was available for hours.
Twitter security chief calls for industry regulation 'that has teeth' and the embrace of Tor
Legislation should enforce a "basic set of user rights", according to Twitter chief Michael Coates.
VTech hack: Toy manufacturer defends fresh security stance amid strong criticism
The firm's updated terms of service shifts the blame of any future data breach directly onto its users.
Medicaid breach: healthcare data for 91,000 clients compromised
The discovery came to light after a whistleblower brought forward evidence of 'misuse of state resources'.
TaxSlayer data breach leaves thousands of US financial accounts and tax filings at risk
US firm that helps people file tax returns suffered data breach that left more than 8,000 users vulnerable.
Hello Kitty hack: Parents warned as database leak hits 3.3m users
A leaked database of 3.3m Hello Kitty fans has been found online, with users urged to change their passwords
MacKeeper hack exposed personal data of 13 million users
A recent breach in the MacKeeper utility software resulted in the exposure of personal data of 13 million of it's users.
JD Wetherspoon hit by hackers affecting thousands of customers
Hacked website of British pub chain contained a lot of personal information of customers.
Plan UK: Children's charity 'devastated' after burglars steal donors' bank details
Charity writes to 90,000 UK donors asking them to 'remain vigilant' after bank details are stolen.
70 million US prisoner phone calls leaked in data breach including privileged calls to lawyers
Data leaked claims Securus Technologies recorded and stored phone calls of prisoners to their lawyers.
Just Eat: Sophisticated phishing emails suggest data breach at takeaway website
The email contains details that the customers said they did not put elsewhere online.
Comcast hack: 590,000 customer passwords on sale on the dark web
Comcast forced to change 200,000 passwords after customer details list appeared on the dark web.
Marks & Spencer says site was not hacked, but admits to 'data breach'
Marks & Spencer website started showing user data, including names, date of birth and previous payment details of customers.
TalkTalk hack: Customers claim their bank accounts have been emptied following data breach
TalkTalk boss admits all the company's customer details may have been vulnerable to data breach.
Ashley Madison hack: The five most scandalous data breaches of all time
Scandalous hacks like the security breach of adult website Ashley Madison happened frequently in recent years.
Hacking Team CEO: 'Terrorists and criminals have a lot less to worry about since we were hacked'
Hacking Team's under fire CEO David Vincenzetti gives his side of the story following a massive data breach.
CVS, Costco and Walmart Canada shut down online photo services due to suspected hacking attack
Companies are investigating data breach and urged customers to monitor their credit card accounts.
NHS data of up to 700,000 patients shared against their wishes, admits data body
Health and Social Care Information Centre says issue 'may take some time' to resolve.
Cybercriminals used prior stolen data to hoodwink IRS and steal tax returns from 100,000 citizens
Cybercriminals used data stolen from other breaches to manipulate the website's online form.
US officials confident of arresting JPMorgan hackers
Criminal complaint against hackers expected to filed in coming months.
Mandarin Oriental credit card breach: Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey and Lucy Liu could be affected
Celebrities like Sigourney Weaver, Liam Neeson and Kevin Spacey are all fans of Mandarin Oriental hotels
Mandarin Oriental luxury hotel chain suffers credit card data breach
Pattern emerges of fraudulent charges being made on credit cards of Mandarin hotel customers
Oh, Uber: Data breach of 50,000 drivers caused by security key left on public GitHub page
Uber has subpoenaed GitHub to provide all the IP addresses that accessed a security key tied to the driver database
Staples data breach might have exposed 1.16 million payment cards
US chain store says malware might have let hackers access cardholder names and payment card numbers..
MasterCard, Royal Bank of Canada to Test Financial Payments with Heartbeats
Canadian start-up Bionym is testing wearable security wristband 'Nymi' that can authenticate identity using cardiac rhythm.
Nearly 50% of Californians Hit by Cyber Attacks in 2013
Personal records of 18.5 million people in California were at risk in 2013 due to cyber intrusions.
JP Morgan Data Breach Affects 76 Million Households
Executives at bank earlier believed only one million accounts were affected.