> David Davis
David Davis
Watch PMQs live: David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn clash during junior doctor contract strike
Party leaders to go head-to-head in House of Commons as NHS medics protest over new contracts.
EU referendum: Labour Leave splits from Brexit group after Kate Hoey 'quits'
The left-wingers are expected to cut ties with Vote Leave amid claims of in-fighting.
EU referendum: Public firmly with leave camp as Cameron accused of acting like a 'dictator'
YouGov poll reveals 45% of people would vote to leave the EU while 36% would stay.
EU referendum: Tory MP David Davis calls David Cameron renegotiation a 'waste of time'
Former Europe minister unveiled a detailed economic case for a Brexit ahead of the vote.
EU Referendum: David Cameron's lack of a Brexit plan 'is nothing short of irresponsible'
The prime minister said there is no plan in case Britain votes to leave the EU.
GCHQ: Recruitment at UK security service to be boosted due to terrorist threats
Intelligence service recruitment 'fluctuates' due to 'complex challenges' the organisation aims to counter.
Snooper's Charter: Are we about to enter a world of suspicionless surveillance - regulated by politicians?
It is essential that the Investigatory Powers Bill doesn't let politicians decide who is spied on
Trades Union Bill: TUC chief Frances O'Grady blasts 'fundamental attack' as hundreds protest
TUC general secretary tells IBTimes UK the legislation is 'not fit for purpose'.
UK police to get powers to check public's web browsing history
Online customers' web browsing history will be retained for 12 months under the new proposal.
George Osborne faces a popular front of tax credit cuts opponents
From the Labour left to the Thatcherite Adam Smith Institute to Ukip, a new political front against the tax credit cuts has formed
Tax credits vote: George Osborne faces trial by peers over welfare reform
Find out what the four different motions mean for the chancellor's flagship reform.
Tax credits debate as it happened: Heidi Allen attacks cuts in barnstorming maiden speech
South Cambridgeshire impresses during MPs Opposition Day Debate.
Government's Data Retention Act 'inconsistent with EU law' rules High Court
Campaigners including Tom Watson and David Davis win appeal after court says data gathering act is unlawful.
Snoopers Charter: David Cameron faces fight over call to strip ministers of surveillance powers
Privacy campaigners and some Tory backbenchers want judges to sign off on surveillance warrants.
Tom Watson and David Davis launch legal challenge over government's Data Retention Act
MPs hope to overturn Dripa emergency surveillance law on the grounds it is against human rights
David Cameron reverses plan to scrap Human Rights Act after pressure from senior Tories
Other measures in speech include devolution for Scotland and banning legal highs.
GCHQ should be under judicial control, says David Davis
Former Tory leadership challenger says regulation of UK's surveillance agency is 'very poor.'
CIA Torture Report: British government was complicit and turned a blind eye, says David Davis
Senior Tory claims the UK government operated a secret policy of complicity in torture after 9/11.
Britain's Toxic Banking Sector Will Take Decades to Fix
Cass Business School and think tank New City Agenda studied Britain's banking sector.