> Dogecoin
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Vertcoin - How to Buy Cryptocurrency
Everyone is talking about bitcoin and wants in on the bandwagon, but how do you go about buying the hot cryptocurrency? David Gilbert investigates.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Slips, Apple Bans iOS Wallet and Iceland Launches AuroraCoin
Bitcoin falls below $800 while Apple imposes iOS ban on Blockchain wallet app.
Vertcoin: The Soaring Cryptocurrency Set to Surpass Bitcoin
Vertcoin soars in popularity with new approach to mining.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Vertcoin Surge Continues as Mt Gox Frustration Builds
Vertcoin surges 200%, while frustration builds over slow Mt Gox exchange withdrawals
Dogecoin Community Raising $30,000 for Children's Charity
The growing community around Dogecoin is looking to cement its charitable credentials by raising $30,000 for children with special needs.
Think Bitcoin is Expensive? Try 42 Coin, The £100,000 Cryptocurrency
42 Coin is the cryptocurrency bitcoin-rival priced at more than £100,000 per coin
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Prices Stabilise as Bitcoin Payment Offered at 200,000 Hotels
Bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin all relatively stable, while CheapAir offers bitcoin payment for 200,000 hotels worldwide.
Dogecoin Circulation to Grow by Five Billion Annually
Most digital currencies including bitcoin are designed to be deflationary.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Newspaper Paywall Embraces Bitcoin as Most Coins Lose Value
Chinese bitcoin ban continues to have little effect, while newspaper paywall embraces bitcoin.
Raining Catcoins and Dogecoins: Oprah Winfrey Reality Show Backs Animal Cryptocurrencies
An animal rescue shelter which is the star of a reality show on the Oprah Winfrey Network is now accepting dogecoin and catcoin cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: China Bitcoin Ban Has No Effect on Value
Chinese New Year bitcoin ban has no effect on cryptocurrency value as dogecoin funds Indian Olympic team
Dogecoin Becomes Fifth Most Valuable Crypto-Currency
Initially dismissed as a joke, dogecoin is now the world's fifth most valuable crypto-currency with a value of over $61 million.
Dogecoin Community Helps Send Indian Athletes to Winter Olympics
The community behind the crypto-currency dogecoin has raised money to send Indian athletes to the Winter Olympics in Sochi next month.
Hollywood Boxing Night is First Sporting Event to Accept Bitcoin
Hollywood boxing night is first professional sporting event to accept bitcoin ticket payments.
Dogecoin Weakens Bitcoin Dependency as US Dollar Exchange Opens
The Vault of Satoshi now allows you buy dogecoin using US or Canadian dollars as the crypto-currency seeks credibility.
Tired of the Weather Girl? Doge Can Tell You the Weather Forecast Now
Such weather, wow, says internet meme Doge on a new weather forecast website.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and More All Report Heavy Losses in Wake of Shrem Arrest
Bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin and dozens of other crypto-currencies see heavy losses after BitInstant CEO Shrem arrested.
Dogecoin: The 10 Best Pieces of Fan Artwork
As Dogecoin goes to the moon, we pick our favourite Dogecoin artwork created by fans of the crypto-currency.
How Dogecoin Proved its Worth with Kindness and Generosity
Dogecoin may have started out as a joke in some people's eyes, has this week the crypto-currency has proved its worth.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin: A Guide to Crypto-Currency Mining
A guide to crypto-currency mining explaining hardware, software, pools and wallets.
Dogecoin Market Value Jumps $40 Million in 24 Hours
Following a successful fundraising campaign for the Jamaican bobsled team, the value of dogecoin jumps $40 million.
Dogecoin Community Wants to Get Jamaican Bobsleigh Team to Sochi 2014
The community behind Dogecoin, the crypto-currnecy based on an internet meme, has already pledged over $30,000 to the Jamaican bobsled team.
Coinye Currency Shut Down as Kanye West Escalates Legal Challenge
Trademark infringement lawsuit filed by Kanye West sees bitcoin-like Coinye currency closed down.
Coinye Coin: Kanye West Lawyers Attempt to Block Bitcoin-like Currency
Lawyers representing Kanye West attempt to block use of Coinye, a bitcoin-like crypto-currency.
'Save Dogemas' Campaign Looks to Recover Stolen Dogecoin
The community around meme-based crypto-currency Dogecoin is rallying after major thefts on Christmas Day.
What is Dogecoin? The Meme that Became the Hot New Virtual Currency
As the year of bitcoin comes to an end, David Gilbert investigates the next big crypto-currency - Dogecoin
Bitcoin Alternative Dogecoin Soars 900% As Other Crypto-Currencies Suffer
Dogecoin, an alternative crypto-currency to bitcoin, saw a 900% gain in value in a single week.