The city in northern Jordan was hit by a deadly earthquake in the 8th century.
The feature is similar to the one that caused the devastating 2011 tsunami in Tohoku, Japan.
Residents and tourists among those sleeping rough on the Greek island.
Up to 8,000 Brits on island hit by 6.7 magnitude earthquake that claimed two lives and injured up to 200 people.
The big quake struck in the Aegean Sea, sending a shockwave and tsunami across popular tourist destinations.
Scientists study Eastern Tennessee Seismic zone for 25,000 year-old clues.
A quakebot algorithm used by the Los Angeles Times alerted everyone to a California quake from 1925.
The powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck the Greek island of Lesbos killed one person and injured at least 10.
The region is prone to regular earthquakes.
Residents in high-rises around the city of nearly 10 million people felt a few seconds of swaying.
Mountaineers are arguing about whether or not the outcrop collapsed in an earthquake or is just hidden by snow.
Dehydration of sediments played a key role in triggering the earthquake.
No tsunami warming has been issued as of yet.
Very few photographers have ventured inside the restricted red zone, or seen the interiors of its abandoned buildings.
There have been no immediate reports of structural damage or civilian injuries.
'Great earthquakes' of magnitude 8 or more strike on average once a year.
The sixth anniversary of the massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that devastated swathes of Japan on 11 March 2011.
The animals descended from the mountains and invaded residential areas after people were forced to flee after the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear catastrophe.
The evacuation order for several towns in the shadow of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is set to be lifted on 31 March.
The faults run beneath San Diego, Orange County and the LA basin.
Garnets took in radioactive impurities when an earthquake shattered them, allowing geologists to put a date on the event.
Earthquakes generated at the fault could be as large as magnitude 8.