> economy
Gold Prices To Drop Next Week As Federal Reserve QE Taper Signals US Recovery
Stronger dollar will make greenback more attractive than gold.
UK Consumer Sentiment Deteriorates For Third Month in Row
GfK NOP's consumer confidence index declines by 1 point to -13 in December.
Angry Bitcoin Users Blamed For China Central Bank Cyber Attack
Bitcoin users angry at China's blocking of the currency blamed for launching cyber attack on central bank.
Business Leaders Warn of Big Data Skills Gap
China's FDI Inflow Rises 2.35% In November
EU Edges Closer to Historic Banking Union Deal
European policymakers make progress on financing of EU bank reserve pot as deadline looms.
Surging Inflation May Force India's Central Bank to Raise Rates
India's wholesale price inflation strikes a 14-month high in November.
Britons Back Tories over Labour on Economy Despite 'Cost of Living Crisis'
YouGov/Sun poll finds majority think they'd be worse off or no better under Labour.
Autumn Statement 2013: Britons to Work Longer as State Pension Age Rise Brought Forward
George Osborne says raising state pension age to 68 will apply from mid-2030s.
Autumn Statement 2013: UK Unemployed Youth Must 'Work for the Dole'
George Osborne says young people should not go 'from school to the dole'.
French Utility Giant Veolia Environnement to Cut 700 Jobs
The company says the job cuts will fall in the firm's water unit in France.
British Consumer Confidence Drops As Households Worry About Debt
GfK survey shows first consecutive drop in month-on-month UK consumer confidence since 2011
Scottish Independence: Nicola Sturgeon Pledges Jobs Boost for Women
Scotland's deputy first minister argues independent Scotland would help women find work and create jobs.
Scottish Independence: Alistair Darling Says SNP's Alex Salmond is Living In 'Fantasy'
Former chancellor critical of Alex Salmond's vision for an independent Scotland.
Bank of Spain Chief Luis Maria Linde: Risks have not Disappeared
Bank of Spain governor warns that country's economy still vulnerable.
UK Manufacturers Borrowing More but Credit Costs Rising
EEF, the manufacturers organisation, warns of higher credit costs but says access to finance easing for firms.
Bolivia's President Morales Decrees Double Christmas Bonus for State Workers
Hundreds of thousands of state employees in the country will be awarded an extra month's pay.
BoE's Spencer Dale: Years Until UK Economy Feels Normal Again
Bank policymaker warns UK recovery will take time to filter down to ordinary Britons.
Venezuela's Maduro Gets Sweeping Powers to Tackle Economic Crisis [VIDEO]
Socialist president can rule without consulting national assembly.
French PM Jean-Marc Ayrault Announces Plan to Simplify Tax System
French government responds to pressure to change tax policies that have stoked unpopularity and criticism.
Janet Yellen: Fed Reserve To Trim QE When US Economy Sustains Job Growth
Yellen faces questions on QE and a possible housing bubble during her senate testimony.
TUC: UK Job Quality Close to 20 Year Low Amid 'Joyless Recovery'
Frances O'Grady, TUC general secretary, says working people deserve a fair share of the benefits of recovery.
OECD: Recovery Gathering Pace in Most Major Economies
OECD signals growth may be better than expected in many economies, but warns on troubled Brics nations.
UK Factory Confidence Soars as Recovery Strengthens [VIDEO]
CBI SME Trends Survey shows optimism rising at fastest pace since 1988 in UK manufacturing sector.
US Government Shutdown 'Not to Blame' for Rise in Jobless Rate
No discernible impact of partial federal government shutdown, says Labor Department.
Is Another Bitcoin Bubble About to Burst as Value Soars Past $300?
Bitcoin's value passes $300, up from $150 a month ago, as fears of boom-and-bust are reignited among analysts.
A Guide to China's CPC Central Committee 3rd Plenum: Xi Jinping and Communist Leaders Discuss Economic Reform in Beijing
Economy slowdown is elephant in the room at Beijing's political gathering, says Dr Reza Hasmath.
UK Construction Sector Rising 'Like a Phoenix from the Ashes'
Markit/CIPS UK construction sector index hits over six year high in October.
Boris Johnson: New Living Wage Rate Will Help People Make Ends Meet
Rhys Moore, director of the Living Wage Foundation, says the rate has become a badge of honour for employers.
Serbia Finance Minister Lazar Krstic on Unprecedented Economic Reforms [VIDEO]
Krstic talks exclusively to IBTimes UK on camera about major financial reforms to boost economic growth.