> Egypt
Muslim Scholars Impose Fatwa on Syrian Army
Bashar al-Assad's troops have 'duty' to defect to Syrian Free Army, senior Islamic scholars warn in pan-Arab statement.
Western Countries 'Poised for Military Intervention' in Syria
The governments of US, France, Turkey and Italy are secretly preparing for a military intervention in Syria, an Israeli military intelligence website has claimed
Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak Trial Enters Final Day
Verdict date to be announced in trial of toppled Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Snubs Iran over Syria Support
Iran's efforts to rekindle relationship with Egypt falls flat as Muslim Brotherhood snubs Tehran for supporting Assad.
African Migrants to Israel Kidnapped and Tortured
Egyptian Bedoiun smugglers target growing number of African migrants crossing harsh desert terrain in bid to reach Israel.
Best and Worst Dressed Celebs at Day Six of Berlin Film Festival, Salma Hayek Stars [PHOTOS]
Check out photos of all the celebs who turned up to add glitter and glam to the day...
Bahrain Regime Blames US and Unnamed Gulf State for Unrest
Beleaguered regime in Manama echoes tactic of Egyptian military in blaming outside forces for democracy protests.
Tensions Grow between the US and Egypt: From Allies to 'Frenemies'?
Tensions between the US and Egypt show no sign of calming down after Egyptian officials and politicians continued to accuse the US of meddling into the country's domestic affair.
Egypt: Christian/Muslim ‘Illicit Love Affair’ Sparks Clashes
Tensions between Christians and Muslims escalate after rumours of cross-faith affair lead to eviction of Christian families.
HackVDay: Anonymous Hackers Punish US Weapons Maker
On the anniversary of the Bahrain uprising, Anonymous hackers have targeted Combined Systems, defacing the weapons maker's site.
SCAF Can Still Determine Egypt's Advancement
On 11 February 2011, the West's "man in Cairo", Hosni Mubarak, was toppled from power, the result of continuing and increasingly violent anti-government demonstrations. After 18 days of civil unrest during which all the Government's concessions had been spurned and with no tangible support from his allies abroad, Mr Mubarak, the President of Egypt for almost 30 years, finally stood down.
Muslim Brotherhood Threatens to Change Camp David Deal
Egyptian official warns US not to tinker with aid package or risk changes to Camp David treaty with Israel.
Bahrain Uncovered pt 3: Intimidation Goes on, Says Doctor
Jailed doctor Fatima Haji reveals torture, threats of rape and harassment used against her and others as protest anniversary ratchets up tensions.
South Park Creators Threatened by Muslim Convert
Younus Abdullah Mohammad pleads guilty to hate campaign over cartoon's 'defamation' of prophet.
Bahrain Uncovered: Regime Importing Sunni Muslims
Discrimination against the majority Shia population is fuelling resentment against Bahrain's regime, explains opposition spokesman Ali Alaswad.
Palestinian Cause and Regional Power: Who Will Benefit from the Hamas-Fatah Unity Deal?
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and the Islamic militant group Hamas have taken another step towards reconciliation, bringing the prospect of a Hamas-Fatah unity government even closer.
George Galloway Asked Assad's Help for Gaza Convoy, Emails Show
Anonymous hackers reveal secret email from former British MP George Galloway to Syria president's aides asking for Gaza Strip convoy help.
Did Top EFG Hermes Banker Pay Thugs in Egypt Football Riot?
The chief executive of the London-listed Arab investment bank EFG-Hermes is under a travel-ban for his alleged role in the "Port Said Massacre", authorities said.
Egypt: Foreign Aid Workers Targeted in Payments Probe
Nineteen of the 43 aid workers facing trial in Egypt are from the US and another 10 are from outside Egypt.
Anonymous Hackers Protest against Egyptian Police Violence
Hacker cell of Anonymous renews DDoS campaign against Egyptian authorities after allegations of police violence against protesters re-emerge.
Egypt: Five Dead in Violent Clashes in Cairo and Suez
Two days after Egypt's worst football disaster, violent clashes between protesters and security forces erupted in Cairo and Suez.
Egyptian Bedoiun Gunmen Snatch US Tourists and Guide in Sinai
Tour bus attacked in daring raid just days after 25 kidnapped Chinese workers released by Egyptian Bedouins.
Egypt Football Tragedy a Massacre, Says Parliamentary Speaker
Port Said Massacre fault of poor security forces, Saad Katami tells Egyptians.
Egypt Football Gangs Blame Port Said Disaster on Regime Infiltrators
Egypt's worst football disaster stirs anger across country as shadowy infiltrators accused of stirring up trouble.
Muslim Brotherhood: 'Invisible Hand' Behind Egypt Football Tragedy
Port Said football riot in which 74 people died 'orchestrated by military in revenge for revolution.
Egypt Football Riot: World's Worst Disasters in the Game [SLIDESHOW]
Port Said football match carnage just the latest in long line of football tragedies.
Syria: If Assad Falls will Hezbollah Abandon War against Israel?
Hezbollah's continued support of beleaguered Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's regime tarnishes its credibility.
Egypt Football Riot: Stadium Torched [VIDEO]
In the violence, a part of the stadium was set on fire and a small group of riot police were not able to control the angry fans.
When Football Field Turned into Bloody Battlefield [PHOTOS]
At least 74 people are confirmed dead in the horrific violence, termed as the worst soccer disaster in the country’s history.
25 Chinese Workers Kidnapped by Bedouins in Sinai
Egyptian Bedouins kidnapped 25 Chinese workers in Sinai and demanded release of relatives jailed for bomb attack.