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'Bibi Bombing': Benjamin Netanyahu, New Star of the Web

When pictures of the release of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held captive for five years by Hamas, were beamed around the world,many featured a beaming Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, unleashing a new phenomenon called "Bibi bombing" aimed at pocking fun at the politician's love of the limelight.

Alleged Israeli Spy Ilan Grapel to be Released by Egypt

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet issued a statement confirming the approval of a prisoner exchange deal with Egypt to release suspected Israeli spy Ilan Grapel, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen arrested in June and accused of being a spy in exchange for 25 Egyptian prisoners from Israeli jails.

UK Man First to be Mummified After Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptian mummies are no more a thing of the past. In a first-of-its-kind scientific study, British scientists will attempt to mummify the body of a recently deceased Devon taxi driver. The project, intended to test out knowledge of a chemical process used 3,000 years ago by the Egyptians, will be carried out on the body of Alan Billis, 61, from Torquay.

Gilad Shalit Deal: Varied World Media Reaction

The news that Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit will soon be released after five years being held captive by militant Palestinians has provoked strong reactions across the world. Here we take a look at the way the story has been covered in the U.S., the U.K., and the Middle East.

Egypt: Threat of a Second Revolution Mounts After Violence Against Coptic Christians

Egypt's finance minister resigned on Tuesday, becoming the first high-level official to leave in the aftermath of the deadly clashes that emerged between Coptic Christian and Muslim demonstrators and military forces, with many accusing the military council of being responsible of what has been called in the Egyptian press the "Maspero massacre."

Egyptians Scorn Official Media Accounts of Cairo Bloodshed

Egyptian state media coverage of Sunday's violent clashes in Cairo between thousands of Christian Coptic demonstrators and Muslim supporters and security forces has come under fire after witnesses and journalists insisted it provided a distorted account.

Does the Saudi Kingdom See Women’s Rights as Unnecessary?

Just two days after Saudi King Abdullah's announced that Saudi women would be allowed to participate in elections, two Saudi women were punished for breaking the ban on female driving with one being sentenced to 10 lashes by a court in Jeddah while another was detained in Riyadh, leading rights activists to question the King's apparent new reformist tendencies.

Unsafe Sex Higher Now Among Teenagers: Study

In a recent report, 43 percent of the sexually active teenagers in Britain, aged between 16 and 19, have confessed to unsafe sex without adequate protection with new partners. This is far more than 36 percent of teenagers who responded the same way in 2009.