> Egypt
Obama’s UN Palestine Speech: So Peace Cannot Come From the UN Then?
Palestinians watched Barack Obama's section of the speech about Palestine en masse and as they listened the U.S. president telling the UN General Assembly that the Palestinians deserve their own state, but that this would only be achieved through talks with Israel, many still wondered why a country that supports change in Syria, Libya and Egypt, still threatens to veto their statehood bid.
Is Egypt Proof that the Arab Spring Failed?
Months after ousting Mubarak, the dictator who many called the Pharaoh, Egyptians are still living under emergency laws and are ruled by a military council full of the former president's old ministers and advisors while the economic and social situation has slowly continued to degrade.
Palestinian Statehood Bid: Why is the U.S. Refusing to Support the Palestinian Arab Spring?
After weeks of speculation, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki announced Thursday that the Palestinian Authority will submit its bid for full UN membership with the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday 23 September but Palestinian leaders are still questioning why the U.S. refuses to support what they call the "Palestinian Arab Spring".
Palestine Statehood Bid: Russia vs. the U.S all over again?
Russia has announced it will support the Palestinian statehood bid, proving the country is gradually emphasising its opposition the U.S who supports Israel and has threatened to veto the move.
Could a Turkey/Egypt Alliance Against Israel Trigger a New Regional Balance of Power?
With Turkey's Prime Minister becoming more vocal against Israel, the Netanyahu government finds itself at the centre of a regional opposition and with Erdogan embarking on a trip to Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, analysts warn that the situation could further Isolate Tel-Aviv.
Check Out the Worst Penalty Ever Taken [Video]
Check out Al Ahly striker Amir Sayoud's penalty miss. We thought Robert Earnshaw's open goal miss for Wales against England on Tuesday would take some beating but it turns out the real gold was happening over 2000 miles away in Egypt.
Turkey Suspending Trade Ties With Tel Aviv, Ostracise Israel Regionally
As Tel Aviv refuses to apologise for the deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound Turkish-flagged protest flotilla that killed nine pro-Palestinian activists last year, Turkey is "totally suspending" all trade, military and defence industry ties with Israel, the Turkish prime minister said.
American Student Hails Libya as the New ‘Spring Break Destination’
Chris Jeon, a 21-year-old math major at UCLA, has apparently joined the rebel struggle against Colonel Gaddafi, becoming the latest internet sensation.
Anonymous Hackers Demand 'Social Justice' with Occupy Wall Street Protest
Hacker collective Anonymous has released fresh details regarding its forthcoming Occupy Wall Street sit-in protest, claiming the operation will be a "political breakthrough moment."
Egypt: Protesters Call on Expulsion of Israeli Ambassador
Tensions between Israel and Egypt refuse to die down as on Friday hundreds of Egyptians protested outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo to call on the government to expel Israel's ambassador following last week border's incident in which five Egyptian policemen were killed by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).
Colonel Gaddafi: The Godfather of Libya and Sugar Daddy of the African Union?
The collapse of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime has made the headlines for the last six months. An enemy of the West that went through a short rehabilitation period was seen in Africa as a Pan-Africanist. While Gaddafi had instated a real cult of personality in Libya, with statues and images of him adorning the streets, his attitude also made him a well-known figure throughout the continent.
Libya Conflict and The Gadhafi Regime Collapse: Is the Revolution Over?
As the 41-year-old regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi is falling apart, leaving space for the National Transitional Council to take over the country, analysts are already attempting to look at the consequences of the fall of the man that managed to cling to power for so many years.
Violence Continues Despite Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire
Concern about the further decline of Israeli-Palestinian relations once again emerged after Gaza-based militants fired a fresh volley of rockets into Israel despite an informal ceasefire brokered by Egypt between the Jewish state and Islamist Hamas, following three days of violence.
Libya Conflict: With the End Looming, What Happens Next?
Since it decided to intervene in March, NATO has been fighting in Libya on the rebels side but after months of stagnation, in the last few weeks, the conflict appears to have turned in their favour.
Famine in Somalia: Are Africans Doing Enough?
The international charity Oxfam has launched an initiative to get Africans and their governments to donate more towards the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa as it complained the donations given by African countries so far are too small.
Assad’s “Attack” on Palestinian Refugees : A History of Oppression ?
Assad’s “Attack” on Palestinian Refugees : A History of Oppression ?
Syria: New U.S. Sanctions Against Syrian Bank and Mobile Phone Company
The Obama administration is hardening its position against the Assad regime and has announced new sanctions, in an attempt to increase pressure on the leader and his government's brutal repression of the opposition.
Anonymous Release Statement on Syria: Hackers Call for End of Bashar Al-Assad Regime
Following a series of revenge attacks against the world's law enforcement agencies, hacker collective Anonymous has targeted the Syrian Ministry of Defense, hacking its website and releasing an "official" statement clarifying its stance on the Syrian Protest.
Israel: Stock Market Plunges as Protests Continue
The first day of the trading week in the Middle East did prove that the economic crisis, is clearly affecting the region as stock markets in Dubai and Egypt dropped about four per cent, while in Israel the market plunged by seven per cent, which analysts say is a consequence of the downgrade of the debt rating in the U.S.
Libyan Refugees: A humanitarian Crisis That Cannot Be Ignored
As refugees from Libya desperately try to reach Europe at the cost of their lives, Italy -- the EU country the most affected by the influx of asulum seekers -- is struggling to cope with the new arrivals.
Beyonce Suggests ‘Bootylicious’ as a New Word for Feminism after Woman in Burqa’s Mini Uprising
In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar Beyonce talked openly about a number of social and political issues which the singer isn’t often heard talking about.
Egypt: Hosni Mubarak's Security Chief in Court
The trial of Egypt's former interior minister, Habib al-Adly, and six senior security officials, has resumed.
Mubarak Trial: Will Justice Be Done?
Five months after a popular uprising ousted him from nearly three decades of absolute power, Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak, was flown into Cairo on Wednesday to face trial for conspiring to kill protesters and corruption, charges which he denies.
Libya: To Be a Neo-con, or Not To Be, That Is the Question
The news that Britain is now open to the idea of Colonel Gaddafi spending his retirement in Libya, as opposed to being dragged off to an absurd court in Northern Europe, does not come as any great surprise.
Vodafone Accused of “Pro-Regime Messages” in Egypt
Vodafone has found itself in hot waters after rights group accused the giant mobile operator, which has 23 million of costumers in Egypt, questioned its "loyalty" to the Mubarak government during the protests that led to the ousting of the former leader.
Egypt: Mubarak on Hunger Strike?
New reports surrounding Egypt's former President Hosni Mubarak's health have surfaced after it emerged the former leader, who is due to stand trial next week but is still hospitalised, is weakened because he has been refusing to eat and is only taking liquids, according to reports by the official news agency MENA.
Syria: Why Assad "Divide to Rule" Strategy Could Lead to His Demise
With popular uprising in Syria refusing to back down, cracks in the establishment are starting to show.However unlike Tunisia or Egypt, it seems that despite months of popular protests the Assad family, in power in Syria for more than 40 years, is not yet ready to be ousted by the dissidents.
BP Announce Profits but Decline in Production Puts Chief Executive Under Pressure
BP Announce Profits but Decline in Production Puts Chief Executive Under Pressure
Does the Transitional Council Really Represent Libyan Democracy and Opposition to Gaddafi?
The Libyan conflict is now being treated as a civil war, but while the Transitional National Council (TNC) is now recognised as the legitimate representative of the people of Libya by various international states including the U.K., France and most recently, the U.S., not much is known about who the Libyan people really support.
Is Nato Desperately Trying to Accommodate Gaddafi?
Despite claiming that Gaddafi is preparing to leave for now several weeks, NATO and other leaders meeting in Istanbul are considering proposals that allow for a peaceful resolution to the conflict without the Libyan leader's unconditional surrender or flight.