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Emmanuel Macron

French fury over pension law is more than what it seems

France's citizens have protested for months over what appears to be the extension of the retirement age by two years. But the issue runs deeper. The public is upset at the president who they believe was voted in to do nothing.

Macron stands firm on pension bill as protests escalate

French President Emmanuel Macron drew an angry response from unions and opposition parties on Wednesday when he said he would press on with plans to raise the pension age, rejecting calls for a U-turn in response to growing public anger.

French and German leaders gloss over divisions at summit

The leaders of France and Germany sought at a summit on Sunday to pave over divisions that have dogged Europe's closest bilateral relation since the war in Ukraine broke out, leaving many of their most vexed issues to be worked out later.

Macron confronts concerns over Paris 2024 Olympics

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday holds a meeting of ministers aimed at dealing with a growing number of issues shadowing preparations for the Paris 2024 Olympics almost two years to the day before the sporting extravaganza opens in the French capital.
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