> employment
Decades of jobs failure has turned West Midlands into UK's Brexit capital
Think-tank says joblessness contributed to the region's decision to back Leave at EU referendum.
How to pick the job and company that's right for you
It pays to do your homework to find out which are great places to work, and those just paying lip service.
Employers warned they are missing out on talent by rejecting people with tattoos
The research said many employers still see visible tattoos as unacceptable.
Does Jeremy Corbyn really want to ban after-work drinks?
An assessment of the Labour leader's comments seems he suggested something more vague.
All 25 points of Labour leadership challenger Owen Smith's 'manifesto for fairness at work'
Pontypridd MP warns the UK has some of the worst workplace protections in Europe.
Financial services company Tullett Prebon to create 300 IT jobs in Northern Ireland
Interdealer broker said it would create jobs over next three years at new technology centre in Belfast.
What I learned about poverty while working in Blackpool
All of us will have to foot the bill for allowing people to fester in forgotten parts of the country.
EU referendum: Recession would kill 800,000 UK jobs after Brexit says George Osborne
Warning comes as Treasury releases its analysis into the short-term effects of a 'leave' vote.
Waiting until 66 to retire linked with longer life
People retiring at 66 have a reduced risk of death by 11%, compared to people retiring at 65 or earlier.
Men with children earn more than their childless counterparts with 22% 'daddy bonus'
Research shows men with children boosted income while women under 33 were penalised for parenthood.
Silicon Republic: Dublin start-up commissioner wants to turn Ireland's capital into an enterprise epicentre
IBTimes UK spoke with Niamh Bushnell, an Irish entrepreneur who was appointed to boost start-ups in Dublin.
Short men and fat women are poorer and have fewer chances in life thanks to their genes
When it comes to socio-economic well-being, those who are short in height or overweight are worse off.
UK workers put in £31.5bn worth of unpaid overtime a year warns TUC
Workers aged 40-44 are more likely to work unpaid overtime, the TUC found.
UK unemployment maintains 10-year low as George Osborne praises Northern Powerhouse growth
Despite the low unemployment numbers, average pay growth slowed to 1.9% including bonuses.
Spain: Civil servant fined after failing to turn up for work for 6 years
Dubbed 'el funcionario fantasma' - the phantom official, he was rumbled when he qualified for a 'long service award.'
JP Morgan encourages employees to stop working weekends with new 'pencils down' initiative
The company has banned staff from working weekends and will encouraging more mentoring and faster promotions.
Virgin Media: 900 employees face redundancy as telecoms firm 'reorganises'
The next two years will see structural changes but business expects to recruit 1,000 new apprentices.
The labour market in 2016: The best countries to get a job in Europe revealed
Unsurprisingly, financially-troubled Greece is one of the hardest places to find employment.
UK wages grow at slowest pace since first quarter of 2015 as unemployment drops again
The employment rate jumped to 73.9%, from 73.6% between June and August 2015.
UK employment at record high but wage increase sluggish on manufacturing slump
With 31.21m people in work, up 419k from the same quarter in 2014, numbers are good news for Osborne.
UK government admits wrongly 'naming and shaming' firms in minimum wage cheat list
EXCLUSIVE: The Department for Business admitted making the move after a probe by IBTimes UK.
From Amazon to Argos: 7 tips on how to get a job for the Christmas holidays
Andy Sumner, managing director of Monster.co.uk, told IBTimes UK how to get a temporary job.
UK: Over 2,300 people died after fit for work assessment
Department for Work and Pensions figures reveal 2,380 people died after passing Work Capability Assessments.
Half of UK unemployed think zero-hour contracts are exploitative
Around 47% of unemployed turned down these contracts, expressing the need for guaranteed level of income.
OECD income inequality reaches highest level in 30 years
Richest 10% of OECD population earn 9.6 times the income of the poorest 10%.
Election 2015: Ed Miliband claims David Cameron hasn't got the guts to debate head-to-head
Labour leader issues challenge to Prime Minister during TV debate.
George Osborne boosted on budget day as UK employment rate hits 'historic' high
The Office for National Statistics says the job rate hit 73.3% in the three months to January.
London financial services jobs hit record high
TheCityUK says there are 709,500 jobs in financial and professional services in December 2014.
Recycling sector could create more than 200,000 jobs by 2030
A report from Wrap and the Green Alliance has detailed how recycling could create upwards of 200,000 jobs.
UK Jobs growth: 50% of firms plan to hire more workers in 2015, says CBI
But the CBI warns that the nation's skills shortage could hold businesses back.